2014 journal article
c-FLIP Protects Eosinophils from TNF-α-Mediated Cell Death In Vivo
PLoS ONE, 9(10), e107724.
Ed(s): H. Nakano

Understanding the signals that regulate eosinophil survival and death is critical to developing new treatments for asthma, atopy, and gastrointestinal disease. Previous studies suggest that TNF-α stimulation protects eosinophils from apoptosis, and this TNF-α-mediated protection is mediated by the upregulation of an unknown protein by NF-κB. Here, we show for the first time that eosinophils express the caspase 8-inhibitory protein c-FLIP, and c-FLIP expression is upregulated upon TNF-α stimulation. Considering that c-FLIP expression is regulated by NF-κB, we hypothesized that c-FLIP might serve as the "molecular switch" that converts TNFRI activation to a pro-survival signal in eosinophils. Indeed, we found that one c-FLIP isoform, c-FLIPL, is required for mouse eosinophil survival in the presence of TNF-α both in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, our results suggest c-FLIP as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of eosinophil-mediated disease.