2014 journal article
Improved early performance of turkey poults given an Aloe ferox leaf extract with bentonite

Abstract 1. AT-402 (20 g/kg), a proprietary blend of Aloe ferox leaf extract and calcium bentonite, had no adverse effect on poult body weights at 3 weeks of age. 2. Lower body weights and lower feed consumption were observed in 4-week-old poults given 10 and 20 g/kg of AT-402 compared to poults given 0 or 5 g/kg. 3. Floor-reared poults, given either 5 or 10 g/kg AT-402 to 4 weeks of age, were significantly heavier than controls (0 g/kg AT-402), and feed conversion ratios for AT-402 given poults were improved. 4. Xylose uptake in 5 g/kg AT-402-fed poults was significantly greater than in poults given AT-402 at 0 and 10 g/kg, reflecting increased body weights of 5 g/kg AT-402-fed poults. 5. Delayed access by poults to the AT-402 until 10 d of age also improved 4-week body weights, suggesting that the AT-402 might improve performance as soon as it is given. 6. AT-402 at 5 g/kg was most efficacious as demonstrated by improved body weights and feed conversions.