1997 journal article

Proximal tibiotarsal cancellous bone mechanical properties in broilers

Transactions of the ASAE, 40(5), 1469–1473.

By: S. Capps, R. Bottcher*, C. Abrams & S. Scheideler

TL;DR: Body weights increased as age increased, regardless of other factors, and a reduction in strength, elastic modulus, and resilience was seen at nine weeks of age. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

Broiler leg abnormalities cause significant economic losses through decreased body weight gains andincreased mortalities. The mechanical properties of poultry cancellous bone could be contributory factors in lamenesscaused by these abnormalities. For example, a decreased elastic modulus indicates that the bone is less resistant todeformation. In the subchondral growth plate area, decreased deformation resistance could lead to greater incidences ofdamage to the growth plate, resulting in morphologic changes causing lameness. The objective of this study was toexamine the effects of age and of altering protein and amino acid nutrition on body weight, bone ash content, andcancellous bone compressive strength characteristics (strength, elastic modulus, and resilience).<br><br>Body weights increased as age increased, regardless of other factors. Bone ash content typically declined by nineweeks of age. A reduction in strength, elastic modulus, and resilience was seen at nine weeks of age with elastic modulusin the lateral region of proximal tibiotarsal cancellous bone being the exception. In general, bone ash content directlyaffected the measured bone strength parameters, i.e., a decrease in bone strength parameters occurred when bone ashcontent decreased.