2021 journal article
Irreducible modules over finite simple Lie pseudoalgebras III. Primitive pseudoalgebras of type H

A Lie conformal algebra is an algebraic structure that encodes the singular part of the operator product expansion of chiral fields in conformal field theory. A Lie pseudoalgebra is a generalization of this structure, for which the algebra of polynomials k[∂] in the indeterminate ∂ is replaced by the universal enveloping algebra U(d) of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra d over the base field k. The finite (i.e., finitely generated over U(d)) simple Lie pseudoalgebras were classified in our 2001 paper [1]. The complete list consists of primitive Lie pseudoalgebras of type W,S,H, and K, and of current Lie pseudoalgebras over them or over simple finite-dimensional Lie algebras. The present paper is the third in our series on representation theory of simple Lie pseudoalgebras. In the first paper, we showed that any finite irreducible module over a primitive Lie pseudoalgebra of type W or S is either an irreducible tensor module or the image of the differential in a member of the pseudo de Rham complex. In the second paper, we established a similar result for primitive Lie pseudoalgebras of type K, with the pseudo de Rham complex replaced by a certain reduction, called the contact pseudo de Rham complex. This reduction in the context of contact geometry was discovered by M. Rumin [11]. In the present paper, we show that for primitive Lie pseudoalgebras of type H, a similar to type K result holds with the contact pseudo de Rham complex replaced by a suitable complex. However, the type H case in more involved, since the annihilation algebra is not the corresponding Lie–Cartan algebra, as in other cases, but an irreducible central extension. When the action of the center of the annihilation algebra is trivial, this complex is related to work by M. Eastwood [6] on conformally symplectic geometry, and we call it conformally symplectic pseudo de Rham complex.