2014 journal article

Effect of Seismic Load History on Deformation Limit States for Longitudinal Bar Buckling in RC Circular Columns


author keywords: Reinforced concrete; Load history effect; Reinforcing bar buckling; Strain; Seismic effects
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

This paper investigates the impact of seismic load history on longitudinal bar buckling in reinforced concrete (RC) bridge columns. Previous research has shown that reinforcing bars are prone to buckling upon reversal from tensile strain. To quantify this effect, a hybrid analysis method using both fiber and solid elements is developed and implemented to assess the impact of seismic load history on reinforcing bar buckling. Forty earthquake ground motions are utilized to conduct nonlinear time history analysis of bridge columns using a fiber-based model. The longitudinal bar strain history from the fiber-based model is then utilized as the input to the finite element model. A parametric study is conducted for the purpose of developing design equations that provide strain limits prior to the onset of bar buckling. Simple design approaches are proposed based on the design equations.