2022 article

Antenna Element Design Using Characteristic Mode Analysis: Insights and Research Directions.

Adams, J. J., Genovesi, S., Yang, B., & Antonino-Daviu, E. (2022, February 11). IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE, Vol. 2.

By: J. Adams n, S. Genovesi, B. Yang* & E. Antonino-Daviu

author keywords: Antennas; Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; Antenna feeds; MIMO communication; Resonant frequency; Microstrip antennas; Dielectric resonator antennas
Source: Web Of Science
Added: March 14, 2022

This article provides a comprehensive review of recent applications of characteristic mode analysis (CMA) to innovative antenna element designs, including multiport, circularly polarized, wideband, reconfigurable, and dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs). Emphasis is placed on the interpretation of the characteristic modes (CMs) for those unfamiliar with the method and physical insights gained from the characteristic eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an antenna. In addition, we review CMA-based design strategies and specific design examples that highlight the application of CMA to various types of antennas. Ultimately, this article seeks to demonstrate the value of CMA-based design insights for antenna engineering and look toward promising new research directions for CMA and antenna research.