2021 journal article

Shielding Properties of 316 Stainless Steel with Multi-Layered Barriers for Spent Fuel Drycasks

International Journal of Physics and Research, 11-1, 5–20.

Mohamed Bourham

Source: ORCID
Added: July 1, 2022

The shielding properties of 316 stainless steel with multi-layered coatings as barriers for application in spent fuel drycasks are investigated experimentally using gamma-ray sources and computationally using MicroShield Package. The concept of the cask consists of an inner 316 stainless steel canister coated with multi-layer ceramics and glassbased materials then surrounded with an outer shielding concrete overpack. The highest linear attenuation coefficient is observed computationally at 0.302 MeV for ZrO2+TiO2 double coating layers while the lowest linear attenuation is observed experimentally at 1.332 MeV forAl2O3 single coating layer.Two concrete forms named CN and CZ.The highest measured attenuation coefficient occurs for CZ concrete overpack at 0.356 MeV while the lowest attenuation occurs for CN concrete overpack at 1.332 MeV.