2022 journal article

Evidence for a Dense, Inhomogeneous Circumstellar Medium in the Type Ia SNR 0519-69.0

The Astrophysical Journal.

Source: ORCID
Added: August 19, 2022

Abstract We perform an expansion study of the Balmer-dominated outer shock of the SNR 0519−69.0 in the LMC by using a combination of new Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFC3 imagery obtained in 2020 and archival ACS images from 2010 and 2011. Thanks to the very long time baseline, our proper motion measurements are of unprecedented accuracy. We find a wide range of shock velocities, with the fastest shocks averaging 5280 km s−1 and the slowest grouping of shocks averaging just 1670 km s−1. We compare the Hα images from HST with X-ray images from Chandra and mid-IR images from Spitzer, finding a clear anticorrelation between the brightness of the remnant in a particular location and the velocity of the blast wave at that location, supporting the idea that the bright knots of X-ray and IR emission result from an interaction with a dense inhomogeneous circumstellar medium. We find no evidence for X-ray emission, thermal or nonthermal, associated with the fastest shocks, as expected if the fastest velocities are the result of the blast wave encountering the lower density ambient medium of the LMC. We derive an age of the remnant of ≤670 ± 70 yr, consistent with results derived from previous investigations.