2017 journal article

The professional work of "unprofessional" tweets: Microblogging career situations in african american hush harbors

Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 31(4), 391–416.

By: D. Walls n

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4. Quality Education (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

This article examines the tactical online rhetorical choices of a young African American professional communicator, Gina. Drawing on situated analysis to show how Gina engaged with her African American Hush Harbor (AAHH) of young professionals online, the author argues that Gina used Twitter to maintain professional network ties in her AAHH community while resisting organizational discourses of surveillance. The author further argues that analyzing particular choices in boundaryless career situations allows us to see important nontask-based professional writing activity.