2022 article
A first complete phylogenomic hypothesis for diploid blueberries (Vaccinium section Cyanococcus)
Crowl, A. A., Fritsch, P. W., Tiley, G. P., Lynch, N. P., Ranney, T. G., Ashrafi, H., & Manos, P. S. (2022, October 17). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Vol. 10.

The true blueberries (Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus; Ericaceae), endemic to North America, have been intensively studied for over a century. However, with species estimates ranging from nine to 24 and much confusion regarding species boundaries, this ecologically and economically valuable group remains inadequately understood at a basic evolutionary and taxonomic level. As a first step toward understanding the evolutionary history and taxonomy of this species complex, we present the first phylogenomic hypothesis of the known diploid blueberries.