2022 journal article

Assessing weediness potential of Brassica carinata (A.) Braun in the southeastern United States


author keywords: Weed risk assessment (WRA); Plant risk evaluation; Ethiopian mustard; Invasive; Oilseed
topics (OpenAlex): Weed Control and Herbicide Applications; Biological Control of Invasive Species; Insect-Plant Interactions and Control
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2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: November 21, 2022

Carinata (Brassica carinata (A.) Braun) is a promising winter oilseed crop in the southeastern US, and ensuring agricultural and ecological safety is critical for growers. The present study evaluated the weediness and invasiveness potential for carinata in the southeastern US. A field study was conducted in Goldsboro and Clayton, North Carolina comparing emergence and survival of volunteer carinata with and without predator exclusion. Cumulative seedling emergence at both locations was highest for buried seeds with predator exclusion (42% and 15%) and lowest in unburied seeds without predator exclusion (16% and 1%). Survival 90 days after planting (DAP) at both locations was highest for buried seeds with predator exclusion (10% and 5%) and lowest in unburied seeds without predator exclusion (3% and <1%). Frost damage contributed to predator damage increasing mortality of established plants to 100% 120 DAP. In addition to the field study, the Australian Weed Risk Assessment (WRA) and Plant Risk Evaluation were conducted for carinata. The cumulative score for the Australian WRA was –1 (low risk), which was below the minimum score of 6 for rejection of introduction. The agricultural and environmental scores were –5 and –2, corresponding to a low risk in agricultural and non-agricultural settings. The cumulative Plant Risk Evaluation score was 6 (low risk), which was below the minimum score of 13 for rejection. Based on the field study and risk assessments, it was concluded that there is low risk of weediness and invasiveness for volunteer carinata in the southeastern US.