2022 journal article

Early Warning of mmWave Signal Blockage Using Diffraction Properties and Machine Learning


author keywords: mmWave; blockage prediction; machine learning; Fresnel diffraction; physics-based channel model
TL;DR: The MiniRocket machine learning method is applied to provide reliable early warning of mobile mmWave signal blockage hundreds of milliseconds ahead, thus facilitates a proactive response to sensitivity to blockage. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: January 9, 2023

Sensitivity to blockage challenges performance of millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication systems. We apply the MiniRocket machine learning (ML) method to provide reliable early warning of mobile mmWave signal blockage hundreds of milliseconds ahead, thus facilitates a proactive response. MmWave signal datasets for training and testing the ML method are created using our low-complexity physics-based simulation tool, which models diffraction accurately. Our insights and numerical results illustrate that the proposed early warning method is facilitated by the diffraction-induced pre-blockage signal patterns and is robust to diverse environmental and mobility conditions.