2022 journal article

Influence of ambient gas on self-reversal in Li transitions relevant to isotopic analysis

Optics Express.

By: E. Kautz*, A. Xu*, A. Harilal*, M. Polek*, A. Casella, D. Senor, S. Harilal*

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UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: ORCID
Added: January 22, 2023

Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy is a promising, rapid analysis method for the detection and quantification of Li and its isotopes needed in geochemical, nuclear, and energy storage applications. However, spectral broadening in laser produced plasmas, presence of fine and hyperfine structures, and self-reversal effects make Li isotopic analysis via laser induced breakdown spectroscopy challenging. The present study explores the influence of Ar, N2, and He ambient gases over the pressure range of 0.05 - 100 Torr on line broadening and self-reversal of the Li I transition with the greatest isotopic shift in the VIS spectral region (i.e., ≈670.8 nm, ≈15.8 pm isotopic shift). We perform spatially and temporally resolved optical emission spectroscopy of plasmas produced via laser ablation of LiAlO2 substrates. Our results show that the self-reversal and linewidth is reduced at lower pressures for all gases, and using optimized plasma conditions with chemometric methods, the 6Li/7Li isotopic ratios can be predicted.