2022 journal article
Infrastructural support of users' mediated potential
Communication Design Quarterly, 10(2), 10–21.
![UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel](/assets/un-sdg/SDG-Wheel_WEB-small-9baffff2694056ba5d79cdadadac07d345a206e13477bd1034bd8925f38f3c4b.png)
As one kind of designed communication, technical communication is created for readers we assume use the content for some situated purpose. Understanding users and their situations to be varied, communicators rely on simplified models of both to create usable content. In many cases, this approach works, but in some commercial sectors, companies are recognizing a need to engage with users directly and to include them in the production of communication. Including users in the production of communication may ease the burden of communicating in ways that are sufficiently detailed, accurate, inclusive, localized, and timely, but these ventures also create challenges of collaboration that direct attention to how users are situated in infrastructures that allow them to act as effective readers and collaborators. This article presents a model of users, situating them amid infrastructures that extend their ability to take rhetorical action. The authors explain and demonstrate a heuristic for analyzing infrastructure as an extension of a user's "mediated potential" for rhetorical action.