2023 journal article

Efficacy of Permeable Reactive Barriers in Mitigating Tetrachloroethene Ingress into Highway Drainage Concrete Pipe in Saturated Media

Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice.

By: S. Almuaythir*, M. Gabr n & M. Pour-Ghaz n

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Source: ORCID
Added: March 7, 2023

Work herein is focused on evaluating factors affecting tetrachloroethene (PCE) contaminant ingress into the subsurface concrete pipe embedded in the saturated soil profile and assessing the efficacy of permeable reactive barriers (PRB) in mitigating PCE concentration. A three-dimensional groundwater flow and solute transport numerical model is established using MODFLOW paired with reactive transport (RT3D) software, in which the model is developed using a finite-difference numerical scheme. The analyses parameters are developed from data for a site in Wilson, North Carolina, at which subsurface chlorinated organic solvents from a dry-cleaning facility occurred in the presence of subsurface highway concrete drainage pipe. Modeling results after 10 years of simulation period indicated that the natural attenuation process taking place in the native soils with coefficients of KPCE=0.00019 d−1, and 0.0033 d−1 reduced the PCE concentrations breaking through the concrete pipe by 30.7% and 34.1%, respectively. On the other hand, with a greater percent of the soil sorption as manifested by organic carbon content, the PCE concentration breaking through the pipe increased by 137% for the same simulation period as a result of the prolonged presence of PCE concentration within the pipe trench. The hydraulic conductivity of the PRB (kPRB) modestly affects the level of PCE breaking through the pipe, while the increase in thickness of the PRB was found to be the most effective in decreasing the level of PCE ingress into the pipe.