Sue Fenton
My research interests: • Environmental factors affecting fetal outcomes & latent health effects (DOHaD) • Environmental modifiers of fetal/pubertal mammary gland development (puberty timing) • Health effects related to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) – metabolic disease focus • Effect of environmental factors on a mother’s ability to lactate & transfer to milk/offspring • Chemical effects on breast cancer risk factors such as obesity, breast density, and hormones • Methods and models for assessing mammary development, function, and disease
Works (147)
2024 journal article
Broadening the Environmental Lens to Include Social and Structural Determinants of Women’s Health Disparities
Environmental Health Perspectives, 132(1).

2024 journal article
Whole mount preparation and analysis of rabbit mammary gland

2023 journal article
A complex systems model of breast cancer etiology: The Paradigm II Model
PLOS ONE, 18(5), e0282878.
Ed(s): M. De Camargo Cancela

2023 journal article
Erratum: Current Breast Milk PFAS Levels in the United States and Canada: After All This Time, Why Don’t We Know More?
Environmental Health Perspectives.
2023 journal article
Exposure to select PFAS and PFAS mixtures alters response to platinum-based chemotherapy in endometrial cancer cell lines
Environmental Health, 22(1).

2023 journal article
Methods to Evaluate Changes in Mitochondrial Structure and Function in Cancer
Cancers, 15(9), 2564.

2023 journal article
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Breastfeeding as a Vulnerable Function: A Systematic Review of Epidemiological Studies
Toxics, 11(4), 325.

2022 journal article
A High-Throughput Toxicity Screen of 42 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Functional Assessment of Migration and Gene Expression in Human Placental Trophoblast Cells
Frontiers in Toxicology, 4.
2022 journal article
Best practices to quantify the impact of reproductive toxicants on development, function, and diseases of the rodent mammary gland
Reproductive Toxicology, 112, 51–67.
2022 chapter book
Brominated flame retardants
2022 journal article
Chemical Effects on Breast Development, Function, and Cancer Risk: Existing Knowledge and New Opportunities
Current Environmental Health Reports, 9(4), 535–562.

2022 journal article
Current Breast Milk PFAS Levels in the United States and Canada: After All This Time, Why Don’t We Know More?
Environmental Health Perspectives, 130(2).

2022 journal article
Editorial: Women in developmental and reproductive toxicology: 2021
Frontiers in Toxicology, 4.

2022 journal article
Effective coordination, collaboration, communication, and partnering are needed to close the gaps for occupational PFAS exposure
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 66(5), 351–352.
2022 journal article
Invited Perspective: PFAS and Liver Disease: Bringing All the Evidence Together
Environmental Health Perspectives, 130(4).
2022 journal article
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in breast milk and infant formula: A global issue
Environmental Research, 219, 115042.
2022 journal article
Photochemical Targeting of Mitochondria to Overcome Chemoresistance in Ovarian Cancer<sup>†
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 99(2), 448–468.

2022 journal article
Photodynamic Priming Overcomes Per‐ and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (<scp>PFAS
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 99(2), 793–813.
2022 journal article
Select Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Induce Resistance to Carboplatin in Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(9), 5176.

2022 journal article
TP53, CDKN2A/P16, and NFE2L2/NRF2 regulate the incidence of pure- and combined-small cell lung cancer in mice
Oncogene, 41(25), 3423–3432.

2022 journal article
Transcriptional pathways linked to fetal and maternal hepatic dysfunction caused by gestational exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) or hexafluoropropylene oxide-dimer acid (HFPO-DA or GenX) in CD-1 mice
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 248, 114314.
2021 report
Breast Cancer and the Environment: Controversial and Emerging Exposures: a Virtual Workshop Summary
2021 report
Developmental Toxicology Collection
2021 journal article
Latent, sex-specific metabolic health effects in CD-1 mouse offspring exposed to PFOA or HFPO-DA (GenX) during gestation
Emerging Contaminants, 7, 219–235.

2021 journal article
Looking for Proof in the Wrong Generation?
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 30(8), 1459–1461.
2021 journal article
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and female reproductive outcomes: PFAS elimination, endocrine-mediated effects, and disease
Toxicology, 465, 153031.

2021 journal article
Reproducibility of adipogenic responses to metabolism disrupting chemicals in the 3T3-L1 pre-adipocyte model system: An interlaboratory study
Toxicology, 461, 152900.
2021 journal article
Yale School of Public Health Symposium: An overview of the challenges and opportunities associated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
Science of The Total Environment, 778, 146192.
2020 journal article
A Combined Morphometric and Statistical Approach to Assess Nonmonotonicity in the Developing Mammary Gland of Rats in the CLARITY-BPA Study
Environmental Health Perspectives, 128(5).
2020 journal article
An assessment of serum‐dependent impacts on intracellular accumulation and genomic response of per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances in a placental trophoblast model
Environmental Toxicology, 35(12), 1395–1405.

2020 journal article
CHDS: A national treasure that keeps on giving
Reproductive Toxicology, 92, 11–13.
2020 journal article
Developmental Exposure to Tetrabromobisphenol A Has Minimal Impact on Male Rat Reproductive Health
Reproductive Toxicology, 95, 59–65.

2020 journal article
Early life exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and latent health outcomes: A review including the placenta as a target tissue and possible driver of peri- and postnatal effects
Toxicology, 443, 152565.
2020 journal article
Environmental Factors Involved in Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
Journal of Women's Health, 30(2), 245–252.

2020 journal article
Estimating Environmental Hazard and Risks from Exposure to Per‐ and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs): Outcome of a SETAC Focused Topic Meeting
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40(3), 543–549.
2020 journal article
Evaluation of Maternal, Embryo, and Placental Effects in CD-1 Mice following Gestational Exposure to Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) or Hexafluoropropylene Oxide Dimer Acid (HFPO-DA or GenX)
Environmental Health Perspectives, 128(2).
2020 journal article
Inflammatory Biomarkers and Breast Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review of the Evidence and Future Potential for Intervention Research
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), 5445.

2020 journal article
Investigation of the adolescent female breast transcriptome and the impact of obesity
Breast Cancer Research, 22(1).

2020 journal article
Per‐ and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Toxicity and Human Health Review: Current State of Knowledge and Strategies for Informing Future Research
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40(3), 606–630.

2020 journal article
Reconstructing the Composition of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Contemporary Aqueous Film-Forming Foams
Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 8(1), 59–65.

2019 journal article
Estimating risk of neurotoxicity from early life exposure: Human milk is an appropriate matrix, but messages should not discourage breastfeeding
Science of The Total Environment, 693, 133665.

2019 report
PFAS 2019 Collection
2019 journal article
Sex-specific behavioral effects following developmental exposure to tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in Wistar rats
NeuroToxicology, 75, 136–147.

2018 journal article
Animal models of endocrine disruption
Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 32(3), 283–297.

2018 journal article
Associations between longitudinal serum perfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) levels and measures of thyroid hormone, kidney function, and body mass index in the Fernald Community Cohort
Environmental Pollution, 242, 894–904.
2018 journal article
Evaluation of Prenatal Exposure to Bisphenol Analogues on Development and Long-Term Health of the Mammary Gland in Female Mice
Environmental Health Perspectives, 126(8).
2018 journal article
Tetrabromobisphenol-A Promotes Early Adipogenesis and Lipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Cells
Toxicological Sciences, 166(2), 332–344.
2017 chapter book
Brominated Flame Retardants
2017 journal article
Effects of perfluorinated chemicals on thyroid function, markers of ovarian reserve, and natural fertility
Reproductive Toxicology, 69, 53–59.

2017 journal article
Quantifying Branching Density in Rat Mammary Gland Whole-mounts Using the Sholl Analysis Method
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 7(125).
2017 journal article
Sectioning Mammary Gland Whole Mounts for Lesion Identification
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 7(125).
2017 chapter book
The Mammary Gland

2017 chapter book
The Mammary Gland: An Overview
2016 journal article
Differences in the Rate of in Situ Mammary Gland Development and Other Developmental Endpoints in Three Strains of Female Rat Commonly Used in Mammary Carcinogenesis Studies
Toxicologic Pathology, 44(7), 1021–1033.

2016 journal article
Gestational exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA): Alterations in motor related behaviors
NeuroToxicology, 58, 110–119.

2016 journal article
Mammary Gland Evaluation in Juvenile Toxicity Studies
Toxicologic Pathology, 44(7), 1034–1058.

2016 journal article
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Human Milk and Serum from the U.S. EPA MAMA Study: Modeled Predictions of Infant Exposure and Considerations for Risk Assessment
Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(4), 706–713.

2016 journal article
Preparation of High-quality Hematoxylin and Eosin–stained Sections from Rodent Mammary Gland Whole Mounts for Histopathologic Review
Toxicologic Pathology, 44(7), 1059–1064.
2015 journal article
A special issue dedicated to a complex tissue
Reproductive Toxicology, 54, 1–5.
2015 journal article
EDC-2: The Endocrine Society's Second Scientific Statement on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
Endocrine Reviews, 36(6), E1–E150.
2015 chapter book
Effects of PFOA on Endocrine-Related Systems
2015 journal article
Essential role of Orai1 store-operated calcium channels in lactation
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(18), 5827–5832.
2015 journal article
Executive Summary to EDC-2: The Endocrine Society's Second Scientific Statement on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
Endocrine Reviews, 36(6), 593–602.

2015 journal article
Screening for Chemical Contributions to Breast Cancer Risk: A Case Study for Chemical Safety Evaluation
Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(12), 1255–1264.
2015 journal article
Timing of Environmental Exposures as a Critical Element in Breast Cancer Risk
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 100(9), 3245–3250.
2014 journal article
Application of Sholl analysis to quantify changes in growth and development in rat mammary gland whole mounts
Reproductive Toxicology, 54, 129–135.
2014 journal article
Concentrations of environmental phenols and parabens in milk, urine and serum of lactating North Carolina women
Reproductive Toxicology, 54, 120–128.
2014 journal article
Hepatic Mitochondrial Alteration in CD-1 Mice Associated with Prenatal Exposures to Low Doses of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)
Toxicologic Pathology, 43(4), 546–557.
2014 journal article
Improving the risk assessment of lipophilic persistent environmental chemicals in breast milk
Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 44(7), 600–617.
2014 journal article
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)–induced Liver Lesions in Two Strains of Mice Following Developmental Exposures
Toxicologic Pathology, 43(4), 558–568.
2014 chapter book
Risk factors as biomarkers of susceptibility in breast cancer

2014 journal article
The mammary gland is a sensitive pubertal target in CD-1 and C57Bl/6 mice following perinatal perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) exposure
Reproductive Toxicology, 54, 26–36.
2013 report
Breast Cancer and the Environment: Prioritizing Prevention
2013 journal article
Endocrine Disruptors and the Breast: Early Life Effects and Later Life Disease
Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia, 18(1), 43–61.
2013 chapter book
Environmental Chemicals in Breast Milk

2013 journal article
Exposure to diethylstilbestrol during sensitive life stages: A legacy of heritable health effects
Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews, 99(2), 134–146.

2013 chapter book
Mammary Gland

2012 chapter
CHAPTER 11. Breast Cancer – Importance of Life Stage with Respect to Environmental Influences
In Issues in Toxicology (pp. 293–330).
2012 journal article
Researching chemicals in human milk can be conducted without discouraging breastfeeding
Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 12(2), 137.

2011 other
Adverse Health Outcomes Caused By Dioxin‐Activated AHR in Humans
2011 chapter book
Atrazine: An Environmental Endocrine Disruptor That Alters Mammary Gland Development and Tumor Susceptibility
2011 chapter
Brominated flame retardants
In Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology (pp. 523–541).
2011 chapter book
Developmental Exposure to Environmental Endocrine Disruptors and Adverse Effects on Mammary Gland Development
2011 journal article
Developmental toxicology—new directions workshop: refining testing strategies and study designs
Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology, 92(5), 404–412.
2011 journal article
Early influences on mammary gland development, with Suzanne Fenton. Interview by Ashley Ahearn
Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(10), 1.
2011 journal article
Endocrine disrupting properties of perfluorooctanoic acid
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 127(1-2), 16–26.
2011 chapter book
Environmental Chemicals in Breast Milk
2011 journal article
Environmental Exposures and Mammary Gland Development: State of the Science, Public Health Implications, and Research Recommendations
Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(8), 1053–1061.
2011 chapter
Evidence for Endocrine Disruption in Children: Sensitive Developmental Endpoints
In Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (pp. 615–623).
2011 journal article
Gestational and Chronic Low-Dose PFOA Exposures and Mammary Gland Growth and Differentiation in Three Generations of CD-1 Mice
Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(8), 1070–1076.

2011 journal article
Histopathologic changes in the uterus, cervix and vagina of immature CD-1 mice exposed to low doses of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in a uterotrophic assay
Reproductive Toxicology, 33(4), 506–512.
2011 chapter book
Mammary Gland as a Sensitive Tissue to Developmental Exposures of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in the Mouse
2011 journal article
Perinatal Environmental Exposures Affect Mammary Development, Function, and Cancer Risk in Adulthood
Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 52(1), 455–479.

2011 journal article
Prenatal Perfluorooctanoic Acid Exposure in CD-1 Mice: Low-Dose Developmental Effects and Internal Dosimetry
Toxicological Sciences, 122(1), 134–145.
2010 journal article
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation during pregnancy, and in adult nulliparous mice, delays the subsequent development of DMBA‐induced mammary tumors
International Journal of Cancer, 128(7), 1509–1523.

2010 journal article
Developmental Exposure to a Commercial PBDE Mixture, DE-71: Neurobehavioral, Hormonal, and Reproductive Effects
Toxicological Sciences, 116(1), 297–312.
2010 journal article
Effects of prenatal exposure to a low dose atrazine metabolite mixture on pubertal timing and prostate development of male Long-Evans rats
Reproductive Toxicology, 30(4), 540–549.

2009 journal article
Analysis of PFOA in dosed CD-1 mice. Part 2: Disposition of PFOA in tissues and fluids from pregnant and lactating mice and their pups
Reproductive Toxicology, 27(3-4), 365–372.

2009 journal article
Human milk biomonitoring of phthalates: Expanding our understanding of infant exposure is compatible with supporting breastfeeding
Environment International, 35(6), 994–995.

2009 journal article
Phenotypic dichotomy following developmental exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in female CD-1 mice: Low doses induce elevated serum leptin and insulin, and overweight in mid-life☆
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 304(1-2), 97–105.

2009 journal article
Polyfluoroalkyl chemicals in the serum and milk of breastfeeding women
Reproductive Toxicology, 27(3-4), 239–245.

2009 journal article
The Mammary Gland: A Tissue Sensitiveto Environmental Exposures
Reviews on Environmental Health, 24(4).
2008 journal article
Analysis of PFOA in dosed CD1 mice: Part 1. Methods development for the analysis of tissues and fluids from pregnant and lactating mice and their pups
Reproductive Toxicology, 27(3-4), 360–364.

2008 magazine article
Antibacterial agents and phthalates: two classes of environmental chemicals commonly found in human serum
Hines, E. P., & Fenton, S. E. (2008, June 8). Canfei Nesharim, On Eagles' Wings, V(XI).
2008 journal article
Concentrations of Phthalate Metabolites in Milk, Urine, Saliva, and Serum of Lactating North Carolina Women
Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(1), 86–92.
2008 journal article
Effects of perfluorooctanoic acid on mouse mammary gland development and differentiation resulting from cross-foster and restricted gestational exposures
Reproductive Toxicology, 27(3-4), 289–298.

2008 magazine article
P.: The obesity epidemic: possible environmental influences?
Fenton, S. E., & Hines, E. (2008, August 17). Canfei Nesharim, On Eagles' Wings, V(XIII).
2008 conference paper
The Mammary Gland: A Tissue Sensitive to Environmental Exposures
US EPA White Paper for the President’s Cancer Panel. Presented at the US EPA White Paper for the President’s Cancer Panel, Indianapolis, IN.
Event: US EPA White Paper for the President’s Cancer Panel at Indianapolis, IN on October 21, 2006
2007 journal article
Assays for Endogenous Components of Human Milk
Journal of Human Lactation, 23(2), 144–156.

2007 magazine article
Early life exposures to environmental compounds: lessons learned from animal models
The Ribbon, a Newsletter of the Cornell University Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors (BCERF), 12(1).
2007 journal article
Gestational Exposure to Nonylphenol Causes Precocious Mammary Gland Development in Female Rat Offspring
Journal of Reproduction and Development, 53(2), 333–344.
2006 journal article
Altered Mammary Gland Development in Male Rats Exposed to Genistein and Methoxychlor
Toxicological Sciences, 91(1), 93–103.
2006 journal article
Atrazine-induced reproductive tract alterations after transplacental and/or lactational exposure in male Long–Evans rats
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 218(3), 238–248.
2006 journal article
Developmental Toxicity of Perfluorooctanoic Acid in the CD-1 Mouse after Cross-Foster and Restricted Gestational Exposures
Toxicological Sciences, 95(2), 462–473.
2006 journal article
Endocrine-Disrupting Compounds and Mammary Gland Development: Early Exposure and Later Life Consequences
Endocrinology, 147(6), s18–s24.

2006 journal article
Gestational PFOA Exposure of Mice is Associated with Altered Mammary Gland Development in Dams and Female Offspring
Toxicological Sciences, 96(1), 133–144.
2006 journal article
Mammary Gland Development as a Sensitive End Point after Acute Prenatal Exposure to an Atrazine Metabolite Mixture in Female Long-Evans Rats
Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(4), 541–547.

2005 journal article
A Mixture of Ammonium Perchlorate and Sodium Chlorate Enhances Alterations of the Pitutary-Thyroid Axis Caused by the Individual Chemicals in Adult Male F344 Rats
Toxicologic Pathology, 33(7), 776–783.

2005 journal article
Adverse Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Atrazine During a Critical Period of Mammary Gland Growth
Toxicological Sciences, 87(1), 255–266.

2005 journal article
Collection and Use of Exposure Data from Human Milk Biomonitoring in the United States
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 68(20), 1691–1712.

2005 journal article
Conclusions and Recommendations of the Expert Panel: Technical Workshop on Human Milk Surveillance and Biomonitoring for Environmental Chemicals in the United States
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 68(20), 1825–1831.
2004 journal article
A Novel Effect of Dioxin: Exposure during Pregnancy Severely Impairs Mammary Gland Differentiation
Toxicological Sciences, 78(2), 248–257.

2004 journal article
Exposure parameters necessary for delayed puberty and mammary gland development in Long–Evans rats exposed in utero to atrazine
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 195(1), 23–34.
2002 journal article
Cancer and developmental exposure to endocrine disruptors.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 111(4), 389–394.
2002 journal article
Persistent Abnormalities in the Rat Mammary Gland following Gestational and Lactational Exposure to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)
Toxicological Sciences, 67(1), 63–74.

2002 journal article
Role of Developmental Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors in Cancer
Organohalogen Compounds, 59, 129–132.
2001 journal article
Teratogenicity of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in Mice Lacking the Expression of EGF and/or TGF-
Toxicological Sciences, 62(1), 103–114.
2000 journal article
Adverse effects of TCDD on mammary gland development in Long Evans rats: A two generational study
Organohalogen Compounds, 48, 157–160.
1999 journal article
Targeted inactivation of the EGF and amphiregulin genes reveals distinct roles for EGF receptor ligands in mouse mammary gland development
Development, 126(12), 2739–2750.

1997 journal article
Prolactin Inhibits EGF-Induced DNA Synthesis in Mammary Epithelium via Early Signaling Mechanisms: Possible Involvement of Protein Kinase C
Experimental Cell Research, 236(1), 285–293.
1997 conference paper
Regulation and genetic analysis of EGF receptor ligands
9th Annual Meeting on Growth Factor and Signal Transduction. Symposium on Modes of EGF Receptor Signaling. Presented at the 9th Annual Meeting on Growth Factor and Signal Transduction. Symposium on Modes of EGF Receptor Signaling.
Event: 9th Annual Meeting on Growth Factor and Signal Transduction. Symposium on Modes of EGF Receptor Signaling
1996 journal article
Characterization of the Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor Promoter and 5′-Flanking Region
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271(48), 30870–30878.
1996 journal article
Prolactin Inhibits Epidermal Growth Factor-induced Ras-MAPK Signaling in Mammary Epithelial Cells
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271(35), 21574–21578.
1995 journal article
Transforming growth factor α: expression, regulation, and biological activities
Pharmacological Reviews, 47(1), 51–85,
1994 journal article
Control of Mammary Epithelial Cell DNA Synthesis by Epidermal Growth Factor, Cholera Toxin, and IGF-1: Specific Inhibitory Effect of Prolactin on EGF-Stimulated Cell Growth
Experimental Cell Research, 210(1), 102–106.
1993 journal article
Modulation of Bovine Oocyte-Cumulus Cell Complex Maturation and Fertilization In Vitro by Glycosaminoglycans
Journal of Dairy Science, 76(3), 701–712.
1993 thesis
Modulation of epidermal growth factor-induced cell signaling in mammary epithelium by prolactin
(Ph.D. Thesis). University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
1993 journal article
Prolactin inhibits epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated signaling events in mouse mammary epithelial cells by altering EGF receptor function.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4(8), 773–780.
1991 journal article
Lactogenic hormones increase epidermal growth factor messenger RNA content of mouse mammary glands
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 181(3), 1063–1069.
1990 journal article
Nonreturn Rates of Dairy Cattle Following Uterine Body or Cornual Insemination
Journal of Dairy Science, 73(7), 1779–1783.
1990 thesis
Roles of glycosaminoglycans in maturation and fertilization of bovine oocytes-cumulus cell complexes
(M.S. Thesis). University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
1990 journal article
Validation and Application of an Assay for Deoxyribonucleic Acid to Estimate Concentrations of Bull Sperm
Journal of Dairy Science, 73(11), 3118–3125.
1989 chapter
Heparin, But Not N-Desulfated Heparin, Enhances Cumulus Expansion of Mouse and Cow Oocytes in Serum-Free Medium
In Growth Factors and the Ovary (pp. 433–437).

1989 conference paper
Management programs to enhance the detection of heat and the success of artificial insemination
Proceedings of the Quebec and Ontario Bovine Practitioners Annual Veterinary Meeting. Presented at the Quebec and Ontario Bovine Practitioners Annual Veterinary Meeting, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec and Mississauga, Ontario.
Event: Quebec and Ontario Bovine Practitioners Annual Veterinary Meeting at St. Hyacinthe, Quebec and Mississauga, Ontario
1989 conference paper
The estrous cycle, ovulation, and demonstration of heat: what’s new?
Proceedings of the Quebec and Ontario Bovine Practitioners Annual Veterinary Meeting. Presented at the Quebec and Ontario Bovine Practitioners Annual Veterinary Meeting, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec and Mississauga, Ontario.
Event: Quebec and Ontario Bovine Practitioners Annual Veterinary Meeting at St. Hyacinthe, Quebec and Mississauga, Ontario
1988 conference paper
A DNA assay to quantitate concentrations of bull sperm
Proceedings of the 11th International. Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, 3(232).
Event: 11th International. Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination at Dublin, Ireland
1988 conference paper
How many sperm are in a straw?
Proceedings of the 12th Technical Conference on Artificial Insemination and Reproduction, National Association of Animal Breeders, 32–34.
Event: 12th Technical Conference on Artificial Insemination and Reproduction, National Association of Animal Breeders at Columbia, MO
Updated: October 22nd, 2023 21:52
2023 - present
2009 - 2023
1998 - 2009
Updated: January 26th, 2023 23:04