@article{cheng_lewandowski_david_2001, title={Determination of allowable pushrod angle using a three-dimensional valve train model}, volume={123}, ISSN={["0022-0434"]}, DOI={10.1115/1.1388297}, abstractNote={Pushrod-type valve trains are still found in many engines. Since a vertical pushrod causes interference with the intake port, which reduces engine power, the pushrod is sometimes tilted to increase the available cross-sectional area of the intake port. In order to analyze this mechanism, a three-dimensional valve train model was developed. The model is then verified through experimention. Simulation and experimental results agree that valve train dynamic performance is not significantly affected by pushrod angles less than 20 degrees.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME}, author={Cheng, CY and Lewandowski, DJ and David, JW}, year={2001}, month={Sep}, pages={408–412} }