Works (17)
2003 journal article
Comparative performance evaluation of tele-operated pipe laying
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 129(1), 32–40.

2002 patent
Crane monitoring and data retrieval systems and
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2001 journal article
Technological intervention to eliminate back injury risks for nailing
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 127(3), 245–250.

2000 article
Development of a robotic bridge maintenance system
Lorenc, S. J., Handlon, B. E., & Bernold, L. E. (2000, May). AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION, Vol. 9, pp. 251–258.

1999 journal article
Saving lives and money with robotic trenching and pipe installation
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 12(2), 43–49.

1998 journal article
Averting excavation disaster
Journal of Management in Engineering, 14(1), 29–30.
1998 conference paper
Cable based robotic work platform for construction
1998 report
Robotic bridge maintenance system
In Final report, Center for Transportation Engineering Studies, July 1994-June 1997 (Report # FHWA/NC/98-001). Raleigh, NC: Center for Transportation Engineering Studies, Dept. of Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University.
1998 conference paper
Smart attachment for utility damage prevention
In R. H. B. L. A. Demsetz & J. P. Wetzel (Eds.), Robotics 98: Proceedings of the Third ASCE Specialty Conference on Robotics for Challenging Environments, April 26-30, 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico (pp. 140–146). Reston, Va.: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Ed(s): R. L. A. Demsetz & J. Wetzel
1998 conference paper
Teleoperated pipe manipulation
In R. H. B. L. A. Demsetz & J. P. Wetzel (Eds.), Robotics 98: Proceedings of the Third ASCE Specialty Conference on Robotics for Challenging Environments, April 26-30, 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico (pp. 188–194). Reston, Va.: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Ed(s): R. L. A. Demsetz & J. Wetzel
1997 conference paper
A computer-controlled multipurpose bridge maintenance robotic system
Computer applications in industry and engineering: Proceedings of the ISCA 10th international conference, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., December 10-12, 1997, 90–93. Cary, NC: ISCA.
1997 conference paper
An excavator mounted unexploded ordnance locating system
Proceedings of the US DoD Global Conference on Unexploded Ordnance UXO Forum '97, Nashville, TN, May 28-30, (1997), 404–414.
1997 conference paper
Development of a robotic bridge maintenance system
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Automation & Robotics in Construction, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 8-11, 1997, (1997), 432–436.
1997 conference paper
Equipment mounted buried utility detection system
Proceedings of the ANS Seventh Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems: April 27 to May 1, 1997, 169–175.
1997 journal article
Intelligent technology for truck crane accident prevention
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(3), 276–284.

1997 journal article
On-line assistance for crane operators
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2(4), 248–259.
1997 conference paper
The effect of robotic brick placement on bond strength
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Automation & Robotics in Construction, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 8-11, (1997), 269–276.