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Works (14)
2014 journal article
Digital Image Analysis Method for Estimation of Fusarium-Damaged Kernels in Wheat
CROP SCIENCE, 54(5), 2077–2083.

2013 conference paper
QTL Associated with Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in the NC-NEUSE X AGS 2000 Recombinant Inbred Population
Proceedings of the 2013 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
2012 journal article
Registration of Fusarium Head Blight-Resistant Soft Red Winter Wheat Germplasm VA04W-433 and VA04W-474

2011 journal article
Registration of 'SW049029104' Wheat

2007 conference paper
Genetics and mapping of powdery mildew resistance in North Carolina wheat germplasms
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy.
2006 conference paper
2005-06 uniform Southern fusarium head blight screening nursery
Proceedings of the 2006 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, 2006 Dec. 10-12, Research Triangle Park, NC, 114.
2005 conference paper
The 2004-05 uniform Southern fusarium head blight screening nursery
Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, 2005 Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, WI, 73. East Lansing: Michigan State University.
2004 journal article
Registration of 'NC-Neuse' wheat
CROP SCIENCE, 44(4), 1479–1480.

2002 journal article
Registration of 'NC Hulless' oat
CROP SCIENCE, 42(1), 311–311.

2002 journal article
Registration of NC99BGTAG11 wheat germplasm resistant to powdery mildew
CROP SCIENCE, 42(4), 1382–1382.

2000 journal article
Registration of NC97BGTAB9 and NC97BGTAB10 wheat germplasm lines resistant to powdery mildew
Crop Science, 40(5), 1508–1509.
1999 journal article
Registration of NC96BGTA4, NC96BGTA5, and NC96BGTA6 wheat germplasm
CROP SCIENCE, 39(3), 883–884.

1999 journal article
Registration of NC97BGTD7 and NC97BGTD8 wheat germplasms resistant to powdery mildew
CROP SCIENCE, 39(3), 884–885.

1997 journal article
Registration of 'Rodgers' oat
CROP SCIENCE, 37(3), 1017–1017.