@article{fang_ozturk_pa o'neil_seebauer_2001, title={Arsenic redistribution during rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition of TiSi2 on Si}, volume={148}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1339236}, abstractNote={This paper studies the redistribution behavior of implanted arsenic during selective rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition of titanium disilicide (TiSi 2 ). The arsenic implant doses ranged from 3 × 10 14 cm -2 to 5 × 10 15 cm -2 . The TiSi 2 films were deposited either directly on arsenic-implanted silicon substrates or on epitaxial silicon buffer layers selectively deposited with varying thicknesses before TiSi 2 depositions. SiH 4 and TiCl 4 were used as precursors for TiSi 2 depositions and Si 2 H 6 and Cl 2 for selective silicon epitaxial growth. Experimental data revealed that the majority of the implanted arsenic was lost from the silicon substrate into the deposited TiSi 2 films when epitaxial silicon buffer layers were not employed. With the inclusion of the buffer layer, the arsenic loss could be reduced significantly. The loss of arsenic observed could not be explained by considering substrate consumption alone. In both cases arsenic exhibited strongly enhanced out-diffusion from the silicon substrate into the TiSi 2 film. The injection of vacancies during the TiSi 2 depositions has been proposed as the reason for this enhanced out-diffusion. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to verify the proposed model.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={Fang, H and Ozturk, MC and PA O'Neil and Seebauer, EG}, year={2001}, month={Feb}, pages={G43–G49} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_xu_maher_1999, title={Effects of oxygen during selective silicon epitaxial growth using disilane and chlorine}, volume={146}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1391938}, abstractNote={Using Si 2 H 6 and Cl 2 in an ultrahigh-vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor, we have investigated the effects of oxygen (≥5 × 10 -6 Torr) introduced during selective silicon deposition for both chlorinated and nonchlorinated process chemistries. The effects of oxygen have been investigated with regard to oxygen incorporation, selectivity with respect to thermal SiO 2 , growth rate, and epitaxial structure. Initial studies have revealed that during silicon depositions from Si 2 H 6 , the inherent selectivity of Si 2 H 6 to SiO 2 is enhanced upon the addition of oxygen to the process ambient. Furthermore, using a nonchlorinated process chemistry, oxygen adsorbs predominantly at the epitaxy-substrate interface and causes increased surface roughness. We have found, however, that the addition of chlorine can play a significant role in the passivation of the epitaxy-substrate interface with oxygen and improves the resulting film's surface morphology.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Xu, MM and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Jun}, pages={2344–2352} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_maher_1999, title={Effects of oxygen on selective silicon deposition using disilane}, volume={38}, ISSN={["0167-577X"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0167-577X(98)00200-6}, abstractNote={Using Si2H6 in an ultrahigh vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor, we have investigated the role of high levels of oxygen (>5×10−6 Torr) introduced during selective silicon deposition. The effects of oxygen have been investigated with regard to oxygen incorporation, selectivity with respect to thermal SiO2, growth rate, and epitaxial quality. The addition of oxygen was found to enhance the inherent process selectivity of Si2H6 to SiO2 while causing no reduction in the silicon growth rate or measurable oxygen incorporation into the growing film for oxygen pressures below 5×10−5 Torr. Contrary to published reports, the silicon film was devoid of the pyramidal defects usually characteristic to highly oxygenated processes. The silicon surface morphology, however, exhibited increased roughness with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The surface roughness is believed to be a result of the high levels of oxygen adsorbed at the initial growth surface.}, number={6}, journal={MATERIALS LETTERS}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Mar}, pages={418–422} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_venables_xu_maher_1999, title={Growth of selective silicon epitaxy using disilane and chlorine on heavily implanted substrates - I. Role of implanted BF2}, volume={146}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1392052}, abstractNote={In this report, we present results on the low thermal budget deposition of selective silicon epitaxy on heavily arsenic implanted substrates using Si 2 H 6 and Cl 2 in an ultrahigh vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor. The selectivity of silicon to SiO 2 as well as the silicon growth kinetics, epitaxial quality, and dopant incorporation for varying substrate implant dose conditions and varying levels of chlorine during processing were investigated. We demonstrate that an increase in the arsenic implant dose can reduce the silicon growth by means of an inherent incubation time for deposition occurring in a chlorinated ambient. The extent to which the silicon growth suppression occurs, however, can be lessened by specific changes in the system conditions, and therefore, growth reductions due to arsenic can be minimized. In addition to changes in the silicon growth kinetics, arsenic implanted substrates have demonstrated a tendency to degrade the surface morphology and enhance the density of defects within the deposited silicon epitaxial films. Furthermore, by depositing the silicon film immediately following implantation and prior to any high temperature anneal, movement of arsenic into the deposited silicon layers has been observed at growth temperatures as low as 800°C. Therefore, the incorporation of arsenic into the deposited epitaxial films has been found to be controllable such that abrupt profiles or intentional diffuse structures can be achieved by variation of the process sequence and the annealing conditions.}, number={8}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Venables, D and Xu, MM and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Aug}, pages={3070–3078} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_venables_maher_1999, title={Growth of selective silicon epitaxy using disilane and chlorine on heavily implanted substrates - II. Role of implanted arsenic}, volume={146}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1392053}, abstractNote={In this report, we present results on the low thermal budget deposition of selective silicon epitaxy on heavily arsenic implanted substrates using and in an ultrahigh vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor. The selectivity of silicon to as well as the silicon growth kinetics, epitaxial quality, and dopant incorporation for varying substrate implant dose conditions and varying levels of chlorine during processing were investigated. We demonstrate that an increase in the arsenic implant dose can reduce the silicon growth by means of an inherent incubation time for deposition occurring in a chlorinated ambient. The extent to which the silicon growth suppression occurs, however, can be lessened by specific changes in the system conditions, and therefore, growth reductions due to arsenic can be minimized. In addition to changes in the silicon growth kinetics, arsenic implanted substrates have demonstrated a tendency to degrade the surface morphology and enhance the density of defects within the deposited silicon epitaxial films. Furthermore, by depositing the silicon film immediately following implantation and prior to any high temperature anneal, movement of arsenic into the deposited silicon layers has been observed at growth temperatures as low as 800°C. Therefore, the incorporation of arsenic into the deposited epitaxial films has been found to be controllable such that abrupt profiles or intentional diffuse structures can be achieved by variation of the process sequence and the annealing conditions. © 1999 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.}, number={8}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Venables, D and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Aug}, pages={3079–3086} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_xu_maher_1999, title={Quality of selective silicon epitaxial films deposited using disilane and chlorine}, volume={146}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1391937}, abstractNote={We have previously reported on the selectivity and growth of a silicon epitaxy process using Si 2 H 6 and Cl 2 in an ultrahigh-vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor. In this report, we have extended the previous work and provide information regarding the structural and electrical quality of thick (3000 A) selective silicon epitaxial layers deposited under a variety of growth conditions. Electrical test structures, including enclosed n-channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) and large-area gated diodes, were fabricated within the epitaxial layers. We demonstrate that variations in the chlorine to silicon ratio (Cl/Si) and the process temperature can lead to structural defects and low generation lifetimes. The defects, however, had a benign effect over the MOSFET drive current and channel transconductance. Overall, the results in this study indicate that high levels of chlorine, as well as low growth temperatures, can potentially inhibit the structural and/or electrical quality of selectively deposited silicon films. However, for growth at or above 800°C with Cl/Si ratio of 0.23, excellent selectivity as well as extremely high bulk generation lifetimes can be obtained for films with structural defect densities well below the detection limits used within this study.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Xu, MM and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Jun}, pages={2337–2343} } @inproceedings{srivastava_sun_bellur_bartholomew_o'neil_celik_osburn_masnari_ozturk_westhoff_et al._1997, title={A 0.18 ?m CMOS technology for elevated source/drain MOSFETs using selective silicon epitaxy}, booktitle={ULSI science and technology/1997: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on UltraLarge Scale Integration Science and Technology (Proceedings (Electrochemical Society); v. 97-3)}, publisher={Pennington, NJ: Electrochemical Society}, author={Srivastava, A. and Sun, J. and Bellur, K. and Bartholomew, R. F. and O'Neil, P. and Celik, S. M. and Osburn, C. M. and Masnari, N. A. and Ozturk, M. C. and Westhoff, R. and et al.}, year={1997}, pages={571–585} } @article{oneil_ozturk_violette_batchelor_christensen_maher_1997, title={Optimization of process conditions for selective silicon epitaxy using disilane, hydrogen, and chlorine}, volume={144}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1838003}, abstractNote={We have previously reported a process for low temperature selective silicon epitaxy using Si 2 H 6 , H 2 , and Cl 2 in an ultrahigh vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor. Selective deposition implies that growth occurs on the Si surface but not on any of the surrounding insulator surfaces. Using this method and process chemistry, the level of Cl species required to maintain adequate selectivity has been greatly reduced in comparison to SiH 2 Cl 3 -based, conventional CVD approaches. In this report, we have extended upon the previous work and provide information regarding the selectivity of the silicon deposition process to variations in the growth conditions. We have investigated the selectivity of the process to variations in disilane flow/partial pressure, growth temperature, and system contamination. We demonstrate that increases in either the Si 2 H 6 partial pressure or flow rate, the process temperature, or the source contamination levels can lead to selectivity degradation. In regard to the structural quality of the selective epitaxial layers, we have observed epitaxial defects that have appeared to be a strong function of two basic conditions: the contamination level of the process and the chlorine flow rate or chlorine partial pressure. Overall, the results in this study indicate several process conditions that can inhibit the quality of a selective silicon deposition process developed for single-wafer manufacturing.}, number={9}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={ONeil, PA and Ozturk, MC and Violette, KE and Batchelor, D and Christensen, K and Maher, DM}, year={1997}, month={Sep}, pages={3309–3315} } @article{sun_bartholomew_bellur_oneil_srivastava_violette_ozturk_osburn_masnari_1996, title={Sub-half micron elevated source/drain NMOSFETs by low temperature selective epitaxial deposition}, volume={429}, ISBN={["1-55899-332-0"]}, ISSN={["0272-9172"]}, DOI={10.1557/proc-429-343}, abstractNote={AbstractIn this paper we report the first NMOSFETs with elevated S/D selectively deposited by ultra high vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition (UHV-RTCVD). The deposition process included an in-situ vacuum prebake (750 °C for 10 sec) followed by selective epitaxial growth (SEG) at 800 °C. Si2H6 was used as the silicon gas source instead of the more commonly used SiH4 and SiH2Cl2 in order to achieve high growth rates at low pressure. To prevent nucleation from occurring on insulator surfaces during growth, an etching mechanism was introduced by the addition of Cl2. The gases included 100 sccm of 10% Si2H6 in H2 and 2 sccm of Cl2 at a process pressure of 24 mTorr. An epitaxial growth rate of 160 nm/min has been achieved. The final epi thickness was around 0.1 μm. The S/D junctions were formed via ion implantation into the epi. The subsequent RTA (10 sec at 950 °C) resulted in an effective junction depth about 75 nm beneath the starting Si substrate. Process and device simulations reveal the importance of maintaining a shallow LDD junction for deep submicron devices by using low temperature selective deposition. MOSFETs exhibit good subthreshold characteristics with subthreshold swing of 86 mV/dec at a drain bias of 2.5 V, and threshold variations due to charge sharing and drain-induced-barrierlowering (DIBL) were moderate for Leff down to 0.35 μm. The gate-induced junction leakage current is below 2 pA/μm at a bias of 2.5 V.}, journal={RAPID THERMAL AND INTEGRATED PROCESSING V}, author={Sun, J and Bartholomew, RF and Bellur, K and ONeil, PA and Srivastava, A and Violette, KE and Ozturk, MC and Osburn, CM and Masnari, NA}, year={1996}, pages={343–347} }