Gregory R. Parra
Works (7)
2001 journal article
PCR amplification of the Irish potato famine pathogen from historic specimens
NATURE, 411(6838), 695–697.
Contributors: J. Ristaino n , C. Groves n & n

2001 journal article
Resistance to mefenoxam and metalaxyl among field isolates of Phytophthora capsici causing Phytophthora blight of bell pepper
PLANT DISEASE, 85(10), 1069–1075.

2000 journal article
Temporal dynamics of Phytophthora blight on bell pepper in relation to the mechanisms of dispersal of primary inoculum of Phytophthora capsici in soil
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 90(2), 148–156.

1998 journal article
Insensitivity to Ridomil Gold (Mefenoxam) found among field isolates of phytophthora capsici causing phytophthora blight on bell pepper in North Carolina and New Jersey
Plant Disease, 82(6), 711.
1998 journal article
PCR amplification of ribosomal DNA for species identification in the plant pathogen genus Phytophthora
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64(3), 948–954.
1997 conference paper
Effect of inoculum source type and cultural practices on the spread of Phytophthora capsici in bell pepper
In J. E. D. V. J. J. Stapleton & C. L. Elmore (Eds.), Soil solarization and integrated management of soilborne pests: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soil Solarization and Integrated Management of Soilborne Pests, Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic, 16-21 March 1997. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United.
Ed(s): J. J. J. Stapleton & C. Elmore
1997 journal article
Suppression of Phytophthora blight in bell pepper by a no-till wheat cover crop
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 87(3), 242–249.