@article{liebman_wiggins_fraser_levin_sidebottom_arcury_2013, title={Occupational health policy and immigrant workers in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector}, volume={56}, number={8}, journal={American Journal of Industrial Medicine}, author={Liebman, A. K. and Wiggins, M. F. and Fraser, C. and Levin, J. and Sidebottom, J. and Arcury, T. A.}, year={2013}, pages={975–984} } @misc{arcury_grzywacz_sidebottom_wiggins_2013, title={Overview of immigrant worker occupational health and safety for the agriculture, forestry, and fishing (AgFF) sector in the Southeastern United States}, volume={56}, number={8}, journal={American Journal of Industrial Medicine}, author={Arcury, T. A. and Grzywacz, J. G. and Sidebottom, J. and Wiggins, M. F.}, year={2013}, pages={912–924} } @article{benson_sidebottom_moody_2006, title={Control of Phytophthora root rot in field plantings of Fraser fir-with fosetyl-al and mefenoxam}, ISBN={1535-1025}, DOI={10.1094/php-2006-0331-01-rs}, abstractNote={ Fungicides were evaluated for control of Phytophthora root rot for five growing seasons in two field plantings of Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) affected by Phytophthora cinnamomi in western North Carolina. At the first site, which had a fairly well-drained soil, treatment programs with Aliette (5 lb/100 gal, three applications per year), Subdue Maxx (3.7 fl oz/1.15 gal/1000 ft2, two applications per year), and Subdue GR (5.75 lb/1000 ft2, two applications per year) maintained low rates of mortality (< 10%) for three growing seasons, whereas tree mortality in the untreated plots reached 13 and 37% by the second and third growing seasons, respectively. At the second site, which was in a flood plain, disease did not develop during the first 2.5 years, even in untreated control plots. However, mortality increased rapidly following several high-rainfall events, but none of the fungicides had any effect on disease development. Apparently, at least under conditions not overly conducive to the disease, the fungicide treatment programs can delay the onset of high mortality rates caused by P. cinnamomi in Fraser fir for up to three growing seasons. Accepted for publication 23 February 2006. Published 31 March 2006. }, journal={Plant Health Progress}, author={Benson, D. M. and Sidebottom, J. R. and Moody, J.}, year={2006}, pages={1} } @inproceedings{potter_frampton_sidebottom_2005, title={Impacts of balsam woolly adelgid on the Southern Appalachian spruce-fir ecosystem and the North Carolina Christmas Tree Industry}, booktitle={Third Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern United States, February 1-3, 2005, Renaissance Asheville Hotel, Asheville, North Carolina}, publisher={USFS Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team}, author={Potter, K. and Frampton, J. and Sidebottom, J.}, year={2005}, pages={25–41} } @article{frampton_sidebottom_1998, title={Resistance in fir species to Phytophthora root rot}, journal={American Christmas Tree Journal}, author={Frampton, J. and Sidebottom, J. R.}, year={1998} }