Works (13)
2004 journal article
Field and detached-fruit screening tests for resistance to belly rot in cucumber
HortScience, 39(1), 149–152.
2002 journal article
Estimation of fruit grade weights based on fruit number and total fruit weight in cucumber
HortScience, 37(7), 1117–1121.
2002 journal article
Evidence for downy mildew races in cucumber tested in Asia, Europe, and North America
2002 journal article
Screening the cucumber germplasm collection for fruit yield and quality
CROP SCIENCE, 42(6), 2174–2183.

2001 journal article
Segregation and linkage of several genes in cucumber
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 126(4), 442–450.
2000 article
Breeding for high fruit yield in cucumber

2000 journal article
Screening the cucumber germplasm collection for combining ability for yield
HortScience, 35(6), 1141–1150.
2000 journal article
Screening the cucumber germplasm collection for fruit storage ability
HortScience, 35(4), 699–707.
2000 journal article
Screening the cucumber germplasm collection for resistance to gummy stem blight in North Carolina field tests
HortScience, 35(6), 1132–1140.
1999 journal article
Crop loss to eight diseases of watermelon in North Carolina
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (22), 47.
1998 journal article
Evaluation of oriental trellis cucumbers for production in North Carolina
HortScience, 33(5), 891–896.
1997 journal article
Downy mildew resistance of the cucumber germplasm collection in North Carolina field tests
CROP SCIENCE, 37(4), 1331–1340.

1997 journal article
Measurement of sex expression in cucumber using percentage staminate nodes and a subjective rating for gynoecy
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (20), 7.