@article{sojourner_wogalter_1998, title={The influence of pictorials on the comprehension and recall of pharmaceutical safety and warning information}, volume={2}, number={1-2}, journal={International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics}, author={Sojourner, R. J. and Wogalter, M. S.}, year={1998}, pages={93–106} } @article{wogalter_sojourner_brelsford_1997, title={Comprehension and retention of safety pictorials}, volume={40}, ISSN={["0014-0139"]}, DOI={10.1080/001401397188017}, abstractNote={The use of pictorials to communicate safety-related information has been widely offered as a way of reaching diverse users owing to the pictorials' assumed universal information transmission potential. The present study examined comprehensibility of a set of safety pictorials, and then employed a training procedure (providing short verbal descriptions of the pictorials) to enhance comprehension and retention. Comprehension was tested for all participants prior to training, and after 1 week. Additionally, comprehension was also tested for some participants immediately following training, and 6 months after training. Also manipulated was the content of instruction (supplying either the pictorial's associated verbal label or verbal label plus a more detailed explanatory statement), and difficulty level (‘easy’ versus ‘difficult’ to understand pictorials, as determined by prior research). The results showed that training led to a significant increase in pictorial comprehension. Easy pictorials were comprehend...}, number={5}, journal={ERGONOMICS}, author={Wogalter, MS and Sojourner, RJ and Brelsford, JW}, year={1997}, month={May}, pages={531–542} }