Works (17)
2005 review
Political disagreement: The survival of diverse opinions within communication networks
[Review of ]. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 82(2), 472–474.
2004 book
Projections of power: Framing news, public opinion, and U.S. foreign policy
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
2004 review
The social construction of international news: We're talking about them, they're talking about us.
[Review of ]. Political Psychology, 25(3), 498–500.
2004 journal article
The role of journalism in democratic conflict management - Narrating the New York budget crisis after 9/11
2003 journal article
Cascading activation: Contesting the White House's frame after 9/11
2002 review
The race card: Campaign strategy, implicit messages, and the norm of equality.
[Review of ]. Political Psychology, 23(1), 216–218.
2001 personal communication
Fantasy in white
2001 book
Mediated politics: Communication in the future of democracy
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
2000 chapter
Light makes right
In R. Andersen & L. Strate (Eds.), Critical studies in media commercialism. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
Ed(s): . R. Andersen & L. Strate
2000 review
Media and political conflict: News from the Middle East.
[Review of ]. American Political Science Review, 94(2), 521–522.
2000 book
The black image in the white mind: Media and race in America
Chicago : University of Chicago Press.
1998 book
Mass media and reconciliation: A report to the Staff and Advisory Board of the President's Initiative on Race
Staff and Advisory Board of the President's Initiative on Race.
1997 book
Competition, innovation, and investment in telecommunications: A report of the twelfth annual Aspen Institute Conference on Telecommunications Policy
Washington, DC: Aspen Institute, Communications and Society Program.
1997 journal article
Educating for the new information profession
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 2(1), 96–103.
1997 journal article
Manufacturing discord: Media in the affirmative action debate
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 2(4), 32–51.
1997 chapter
Mass media and policy innovation: Opportunities and constraints for public management
In Innovation in American Government: Opportunities, challenges and constraints. Washington: The Brookings Institution.
1997 chapter
Modern racism and images of Blacks in local television news
In S. Iyengar & R. Reeves (Eds.), Do the media govern? Politicians, voters, and reporters in America (pp. 283–286). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Ed(s): . S. Iyengar & R. Reeves