@article{abbott_grosch_1984, title={DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES IN HABROBRACON-HEBETOR EXPOSED TO VOLATILIZED AGENTS}, volume={77}, ISSN={["0013-8746"]}, DOI={10.1093/aesa/77.5.597}, abstractNote={Insect anesthetics caused developmental damage during the third instar of larvae of the wasp, Habrobracon hebetor Say. Results obtained with a recently introduced agent, triethylamine (TEA), were compared with the effects of the conventional anesthetics ether and chloroform. All three compounds disturbed cocoon-spinning behavior and decreased silk production. Also, developmental delay was common. A linear relationship between the duration of exposure and survival to adulthood was demonstrated. The main effect on morphology from TEA was upon antennal length and segmentation. After exposure to ether and chloroform, anterior body segments and appendages failed to develop. In addition, microcephaly, microophthalmia, anophthalmia, and missing mouthparts were induced.}, number={5}, journal={ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={ABBOTT, BD and GROSCH, DS}, year={1984}, pages={597–603} }