Works (21)
2009 journal article
The effects of aminoethoxyvinylglycine and naphthaleneacetic acid treatments on abscission and firmness of 'Scarletspur Delicious' apples at normal and delayed harvests
HortTechnology, 19(3), 620–625.
2007 journal article
Naphthaleneacetic acid, ethephon, and gibberellin A4+A7 have variable effects on flesh firmness and return bloom of apple
HortTechnology, 17(1), 32–38.
2003 journal article
High-density apple orchard performance on an orchard replant site: An 11-year summary
HortTechnology, 13(3), 473–476.
2003 journal article
The effect of eight dwarf rootstocks on burrknot development on 'gala' apple trees at two locations
Journal American Pomological Society, 57(2), 93–96.
2002 journal article
Spray volume, canopy density, and other factors involved in thinner efficacy
HortScience, 37(3), 481–483.
1999 journal article
Prohexadione-Ca: A promising chemical for controlling vegetative growth of apples
HortScience, 34(7), 1197–1200.
1997 journal article
Use of maturity indices for predicting poststorage firmness of 'Fuji' apples
HortScience, 32(5), 909–910.
1991 journal article
1986 journal article
Young Granny Smith difficult to flower, set fruit
Goodfruit Grower, 37(12), 13.
1985 journal article
Branch induction on young 'Delicious' apple trees by application of growth regulators
HortScience, 20(2), 230.
1978 journal article
The development of ethephon's thinning potential for spur 'Delicious' apples
Acta Horticulturae, (80), 233.
1978 journal article
The fruit shape and yield of "Starkrimson Delicious" apples to air blast applied applications of gibberellins A4A7
Acta Horticulturae, (80), 387.

1975 journal article
Cool off for better apples
American Fruit Grower, 95(8), 11.
1975 journal article
Making the most of overtree irrigation
American Fruit Grower, 95(10), 9.
1974 journal article
Shape up your apples
American Fruit Grower, 94(12), 25.
1973 journal article
Interaction of irrigation, evaporative cooling, and ethephon on fruit quality of 'Delicious' apple
HortScience, 8(4), 318.
1973 journal article
Response of 'Starkrimson delicious' apples to ethephon application as influenced by spray coverage
HortScience, 8(5), 394.
1972 journal article
Effects of preharvest applications of ethephon on maturity and quality of several apple cultivara
HortScience, 7(1), 77.
1972 journal article
The evaporative cooling effects of overtree sprinkler irrigation on 'Red Declicious' apples
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 97(1), 55.
1972 journal article
The quality of 'Red Delicious' apples as affected by overtree sprinkler irrigation
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 97(1), 58.
1972 journal article
Water-color your apples
American Fruit Grower, 92(4), 23.