@misc{law_bowen_1987, title={Low-volume electrostatic spraying}, volume={4685620}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Law, S. E. and Bowen, H. D.}, year={1987} } @inbook{bowen_1981, title={Alleviating mechanical impedance}, ISBN={9780916150402}, booktitle={Modifying the root environment to reduce crop stress}, publisher={American Society of Agricultural Engineers}, author={Bowen, H. D.}, editor={G. F. Arkin, H. M. TaylorEditor}, year={1981}, pages={21} } @article{bowen_coble_mauney_1971, title={The effect of intermittent flooding on germination and seedling growth of cotton}, volume={14}, number={3}, journal={Transactions of the ASAE}, author={Bowen, H. D. and Coble, C. G. and Mauney, J. R.}, year={1971}, pages={567} }