1999 journal article
Increased interleukin-6 activity in the serum of ponies acutely infected with equine infectious anaemia virus
1999 journal article
Platelets from thrombocytopenic ponies acutely infected with equine infectious anemia virus are activated in vivo and hypofunctional
VIROLOGY, 259(1), 7–19.
1998 journal article
Hyperglobulinemia and lymphocyte subset changes in naturally infected, in apparent carriers of equine infectious anemia virus
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 59(8), 1009–1015.
1997 journal article
Flow cytometric method for detecting thiazole orange positive (reticulated) platelets in thrombocytopenic horses
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 58(10), 1092–1096.
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