@article{callaway_smith_coffman_1990, title={DIALLEL ANALYSIS OF RESISTANCE TO ANTHRACNOSE STALK ROT IN MAIZE INBREDS}, volume={30}, ISSN={["0011-183X"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci1990.0011183X003000020018x}, abstractNote={Anthraenose stalk rot (ASR), caused by Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) Wils., has become an important disease of maize (Zea mays L.) in recent years. The purposes of this study were to evaluate general and specific combining ability effects for ASR resistance in a group of maize inbreds adapted to the northeastern USA, and to evaluate two commonly used ASR rating methods. Eight maize inbreds were crossed in a fixed effects diallel mating design and parents and crosses were grown at locations in New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. The two methods of rating for ASR resistance were: (i) total number of internodes infected, and (ii) number internodes greater than 75% infected. The inbreds LB31B, RD5264, and RD6501 had highly significant negative general combining ability effects for ASR ratings, indicating that these lines would be good choices as parents where ASR resistance is desired. The inbreds RD5215, RD5217, RD5529, B59Ht, and B37 had significant, positive general combining ability effects. Specific combining ability was important for certain combinations of lines. Results for the two rating methods were practically identical. Only one of the two rating methods need be used in a given year. The evaluation methods should be alternated at yearly intervals to minimize the possibility of preferential selection for a particular mechanism of resistance.}, number={2}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={CALLAWAY, MB and SMITH, ME and COFFMAN, WR}, year={1990}, pages={335–337} }