@article{calvert_weed_buol_1979, title={ESTIMATION OF AMORPHOUS MATERIAL, 1-1-TYPE LAYER SILICATES, AND GIBBSITE DISSOLVED IN HOT ALKALI TREATMENT OF SOIL CLAY}, volume={43}, ISSN={["1435-0661"]}, DOI={10.2136/sssaj1979.03615995004300040032x}, abstractNote={AbstractDifferential thermal analysis (DTA) is combined with selective dissolution (hot 0.5N alkali solution) to provide a quantitative estimate of amorphous inorganic material in deferrated soil clays consisting predominantly of 1:1 type layer silicate minerals, gibbsite, and amorphous material. Data from DTA are used to estimate gibbsite and 1:1 type layer silicate minerals in the original and alkali‐treated clay. Correction is then made to the weight loss due to alkali treatment to estimate amorphous inorganic material solubilized in boiling 0.5N NaOH or KOH. Qualitative support for conclusions reached is provided by x‐ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopic studies of the original and treated samples.}, number={4}, journal={SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL}, author={CALVERT, CS and WEED, SB and BUOL, SW}, year={1979}, pages={778–781} }