Works (22)
2009 journal article
Directionality of pollinator movements in watermelon plantings
HortScience, 44(1), 49–52.
2002 journal article
Incompatibility in diploid and tetraploid crosses of Cucumis sativus and Cucumis metuliferus
EUPHYTICA, 128(3), 371–374.
2001 journal article
Segregation and linkage of several genes in cucumber
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 126(4), 442–450.
1999 journal article
Greenhouse and field resistance in cucumber to root-knot nematodes
NEMATOLOGY, 1(1999 June), 279–284.
1999 journal article
In-row plant spacing and date of harvest of 'Beauregard' sweetpotato affect yield and return on investment
HortScience, 34(7), 1229–1233.
1998 journal article
Independence of the Mj nematode resistance gene from 17 gene loci in cucumber
HortScience, 33(6), 1050–1052.
1998 journal article
Optimum planting density and harvest stage for little-leaf and normal-leaf cucumbers for once-over harvest
1997 journal article
A single recessive gene for resistance to the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) in Cucumis sativus var hardwickii
JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 88(1), 66–69.
1997 journal article
Evaluation of Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii cultigens for resistance to root-knot nematodes
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (20), 19.
1997 journal article
Lucia, Manteo, and Shelby root-knot nematode-resistant cucumber inbred lines
HortScience, 32(1997), 1301–1303.
1997 journal article
Mixtures of cucumber cultigens affect yield in a multiple-harvest system
HortScience, 32(6), 1024–1027.
1996 journal article
NC-42 and NC-43: Root-knot nematode-resistant cucumber germplasm
HortScience, 31(7), 1246.
1995 journal article
Split-root technique for multiple nematode resistance in cucumber
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (18), 29.
1994 journal article
PLANT DISEASE, 78(8), 772–774.
1994 journal article
Comparison of two inoculum preparation methods for Rotylenchulus reniformis
Journal of Nematology, 25(4), 778.
1994 journal article
Efficacy of Paecilomyces lilacinus in suppressing Rotylenchulus reniformis on tomato
Journal of Nematology, 26(4), 600.
1994 journal article
Evaluation of the U.S. Cucumber Germplasm Collection for Early Flowering
Plant Breeding, 112(3), 234–238.
1994 journal article
Evaluation of the U.S. cucumber germplasm collection for root size using a subjective rating technique
Euphytica, 79(1-2), 39–43.
1994 journal article
Reproductive and damage potentials of two populations of Rotylenchulus reniformis on sweetpotato and related comparisons with Meloidogyne javanica on tomato
Journal of Nematology, 25(4), 830.
1993 journal article
Root-knot nematode resistance in cucumber and horned cucumber
HortScience, 28(2), 151.
1992 journal article
Effects of root decay on the relationship between Meloidogyne spp. gall index and egg mass number in cucumber and horned cucumber
Journal of Nematology, 24(4), 707.
1990 journal article
Resistance of cucumber to the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (13), 10.