@article{carey_1990, title={INFLUENCE OF AGE AT FINAL BEAK TRIMMING ON PULLET AND LAYER PERFORMANCE}, volume={69}, ISSN={["0032-5791"]}, DOI={10.3382/ps.0691461}, abstractNote={Effects of final beak trimming on pullet and layer productivity were examined with three strains of commercial layers. All pullets were precision-trimmed at 7 days with final beak trimming at either 63, 84, or 105 days. Transient depressions of pullet body weight and feed consumption were noted in the periods immediately following beak trimming. Pullet mortality from 7 to 18 wk of age and 18-wk body weight were not significantly affected by beak trimming treatments. Strain effects were noted in rate of feed consumption following beak trimming. Age at 50% production was significantly later among birds trimmed at 63 days than among those trimmed at 84 or 105 days. Feed consumption, egg production, and mortality (140 to 441 days) were significantly lower among birds trimmed at 63 days than among those trimmed at 84 or 105 days. Egg quality and size were not influenced by beak trimming treatments.}, number={9}, journal={POULTRY SCIENCE}, author={CAREY, JB}, year={1990}, month={Sep}, pages={1461–1466} } @article{carey_1989, title={Application of compact fluorescent lights in caged poultry layer facilities}, number={89-3020}, journal={Paper (American Society of Agricultural Engineers)}, author={Carey, J. B.}, year={1989}, pages={4} }