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Works (7)
1996 conference paper
Molecular markers, forest genetics, and tree breeding
In J. P. Gustafson & R. B. Flavell (Eds.), Genomes of Plants and Animals: 21 Stadler Genetics Symposium (pp. 87–102).
Ed(s): J. Gustafson & R. Flavell

1995 journal article
Characterization of an Unstable Anthocyanin Phenotype and Estimation of Somatic Mutation Rates in Peach
Journal of Heredity, 86(3), 186–193.

1995 journal article
Inheritance, Genetic Interaction, and Biochemical Characterization of Anthocyanin Phenotypes in Peach
Journal of Heredity, 86(1), 32–38.

1994 journal article
Targeted mapping and linkage analysis of morphological isozyme, and RAPD markers in peach
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 87(7), 805.
1993 conference paper
Application of genetic markers to tree breeding
Proceedings of the 22nd Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 452–463.
1992 conference paper
Mapping in woody plants with RAPD markers: application to breeding in forestry and horticulture
Proceedings of the Symposium on the Applications of RAPD Technology to Plant Breeding, 37–40. Joint Plant Breeding Symposium Series, Crop Science Society of America, American Society for Horticultural Science, and American Genetics Association.
1989 journal article
Effect of BA on germination of nonstratified peach seed
Acta Horticulturae, (254), 313.