Works (12)
2008 patent
Gallium nitride based high-electron mobility devices
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2008 patent
Method of manufacturing gallium nitride based high-electron mobility devices
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2007 patent
Gallium nitride material devices and methods of forming the same
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2005 patent
Gallium nitride materials including thermally conductive regions
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2003 patent
Gallium nitride material devices and methods including backside vias
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2003 patent
Gallium nitride materials and methods
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1998 article
Spectroscopic ellipsometry and low-temperature reflectance: complementary analysis of GaN thin films
Edwards, N. V., Yoo, S. D., Bremser, M. D., Horton, M. N., Perkins, N. R., Weeks, T. W., … Aspnes, D. E. (1998, February). THIN SOLID FILMS, Vol. 313, pp. 187–192.
1997 article
Growth of AlN and GaN thin films via OMVPE and gas source MBE and their characterization
Davis, R. F., Weeks, T. W., Bremser, M. D., Tanaka, S., Kern, R. S., Sitar, Z., … Wang, C. (1997, February). SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS, Vol. 41, pp. 129–134.
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1997 journal article
Pulsed operation lasing in a cleaved-facet InGaN/GaN MQW SCH laser grown on 6H-SiC
ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 33(18), 1556–1557.
1997 journal article
Spectral analysis of above-, below-, and near-bandedge phenomena in GaN thin films
1997 journal article
Variation of GaN valence bands with biaxial stress and quantification of residual stress
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 70(15), 2001–2003.
1996 conference paper
Variation of GaN valence bands with biaxial stress: quantification of residual stress and impact on fundamental band parameters
III-V nitrides: symposium held December 2-6, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (Materials Research Society symposia proceedings ; v. 449), 781–786.
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