@article{doohan_monaco_1992, title={THE BIOLOGY OF CANADIAN WEEDS .99. VIOLA-ARVENSIS MURR}, volume={72}, ISSN={["0008-4220"]}, DOI={10.4141/cjps92-019}, abstractNote={ Viola arvensis Murr., field violet, is distributed in all Canadian provinces and most of the continental United States. It is one of the most common weeds associated with grain production in Europe. Viola arvensis tolerates most herbicides used in production of grains and many other crops. Selective pressure from increased herbicide use and long grain rotations appears to be responsible for increased frequency and density of V. arvensis in a number of important crops. The objective of this article is to summarize biological data known for this species.Key words: Viola arvensis Murr., weed biology, germination, response to herbicides }, number={1}, journal={CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCE}, author={DOOHAN, DJ and MONACO, TJ}, year={1992}, month={Jan}, pages={187–201} }