@article{elliott_nelson_jackson_1983, title={Effects of ambient nitrate concentration and prior exposure to nitrate on net nitrate uptake by chrysanthemum}, volume={108}, number={5}, journal={Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Elliott, G. G. and Nelson, P. V. and Jackson, W. A.}, year={1983}, pages={729} } @article{elliott_nelson_1981, title={ACUTE BORON TOXICITY IN BEGONIA-X-HIEMALIS SCHWABENLAND RED}, volume={12}, ISSN={["0010-3624"]}, DOI={10.1080/00103628109367193}, abstractNote={Abstract Boron toxicity was induced in Begonia X hiemalis Fotsch ‘Schwabenland Red’ by successive applications of 1.0 mM H3BO3 to the root medium. Treatments were initiated at progressive stages of growth. Leaf injury occurred initially on mature leaves. Symptoms progressed from mild chlorosis of the leaf margins to an eventual necrosis extending inwards 3 to 5 mm from the leaf margin. Mean concn of B in canopy leaves of plants exhibiting incipient symptoms of B toxicity ranged from 125 to 258 ppm. Older plants tended to exhibit B toxicity symptoms at lower foliar concn of B than younger plants.}, number={8}, journal={COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS}, author={ELLIOTT, GC and NELSON, PV}, year={1981}, pages={775–783} }