@article{gaugler_brooks_1975, title={SUBLETHAL EFFECTS OF INFECTION BY NOSEMA-HELIOTHIDIS IN CORN-EARWORM, HELIOTHIS-ZEA}, volume={26}, ISSN={["0022-2011"]}, DOI={10.1016/0022-2011(75)90169-X}, abstractNote={The reproductive and diapause potentials of Heliothis zea infected with the microsporidan Nosema heliothidis were compared to those of uninfected individuals. In per os and transovarian-infected adults, the reproductive potential was significantly affected as indicated by reductions in fecundity (20 and 13%), longevity (4 and 5 days), and mating success (16.2 and 23%, respectively). Under laboratory conditions, 13% fewer infected pupae initiated diapause and diapause intensity was decreased by 10.6 days. A reduction (29 days) was also noted in diapause intensity of field-collected H. zea. Other observations on infected individuals revealed that larval development was retarded by 3 days and that slight increases occurred in the incidences of pupal deformities and mating pairs that failed to separate. Egg hatch and direct host mortality were not influenced adversely by parasitation. These data suggest that although infection by N. heliothidis is sublethal in nature, the microsporidan may be a significant factor indirectly in the population dynamics of its host.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY}, author={GAUGLER, RR and BROOKS, WM}, year={1975}, pages={57–63} }