@article{gimelfarb_1981, title={A GENERAL LINEAR-MODEL FOR THE GENOTYPIC COVARIANCE BETWEEN RELATIVES UNDER ASSORTATIVE MATING}, volume={13}, ISSN={["1432-1416"]}, DOI={10.1007/BF00275215}, abstractNote={A linear model for the genotypic covariance between relatives under assortative mating comprising the “classical linear model” and the model of “selective assortative mating” is proposed. The general conditions on the genetical and developmental mechanisms of quantitative characters, as well as on selection and the mating system, on which the model is based, are explicitly stated and discussed. A classification of different relationships is presented and it is shown that these conditions are sufficient to obtain the genotypic covariance between relatives only if the relationship is a combination of descendant-ancestor, full sib, Type 1 and Nth uncle-niece relationships. All the “traditional” relationships, i.e., those for which the covariances of the relatives have been obtained in the literature, fall into this category. These conditions also ensure that the regression of the individual's genotypic value on the genotypic value or phenotype of any of its ancestors is always linear.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY}, author={GIMELFARB, A}, year={1981}, pages={209–226} } @article{gimelfarb_1981, title={ANALYSIS OF NON-TRADITIONAL RELATIONSHIPS UNDER ASSORTATIVE MATING}, volume={13}, ISSN={["0303-6812"]}, DOI={10.1007/BF00275216}, abstractNote={The set of conditions on the genetical and developmental mechanisms of quantitative characters as well as on selection and mating system presented in (Gimelfarb, 1981) is expanded, thus enabling one to obtain the genotypic covariances between relatives for a larger variety of relationships. It is also demonstrated that the frequency of a relationship in a population under assortative mating may in general be different from the frequency of this relationship in the population under random mating. A subpopulation of relatives is not necessarily a representative sample of the whole population with respect to the quantitative character distribution. However, for any relationship which is a combination of descendant-ancestor, full sib, Type 1 and Nth uncle-niece relationships, its frequency in a population under assortative mating is the same as in the population under random mating, and the subpopulation of such relatives is a representative sample of the whole population.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY}, author={GIMELFARB, A}, year={1981}, pages={227–240} }