@article{gonder_barnes_1989, title={A COMBINATION CHEMICAL PHYSICAL METHOD FOR REPEATED RESTRAINT OF TURKEYS}, volume={33}, ISSN={["0005-2086"]}, DOI={10.2307/1591150}, abstractNote={SUMMARY. A method for the repeated long-term restraint of young turkey toms was developed. Fifteen mg xylazine/kg body weight was administered intramuscularly (IM) to each of 60 toms whose heads and bodies were then covered with surgical stockinette secured with adhesive tape during a total of 229 restraint events (RE). Toms then were restrained in dorsal recumbency for 2, 4, or 6 hr daily for 4 days. Those restrained for 6 hr received an additional IM injection of 10 mg xylazine/kg body weight after 3 hr of restraint. RE were uneventful in 215 cases; in 14, the toms struggled violently or escaped their restraints. Three toms with airsacculitis or pneumonia died during restraint, and one with pneumonia died during the night between RE. The mean body temperature of restrained toms declined during the first 150 min of RE and then stabilized. Toms restrained 6 hr daily lost weight during the 4 treatment days. Toms restrained 2 hr and 4 hr gained weight, but the latter group did not gain weight as quickly as the former. RESUMEN. Combinacion de m6todos fisicos y quimicos para sujetar pavos frecuentemente}, number={4}, journal={AVIAN DISEASES}, author={GONDER, E and BARNES, HJ}, year={1989}, pages={719–723} } @article{gonder_barnes_1989, title={THE EFFECT OF PRESSURE ON TURKEY BREAST SKIN}, volume={33}, ISSN={["0005-2086"]}, DOI={10.2307/1591149}, abstractNote={In an attempt to experimentally reproduce focal ulcerative dermatitis (FUD) in turkeys, pressures of 94, 136, and 240 mmHg were applied for 2, 4, or 6 hr daily for 4 consecutive days to unfeathered breast skin of six 9-week-old toms. No gross lesions occurred either immediately after treatment or during a 10-day post-treatment period, and no microscopic changes were present in the skin at the conclusion of the trial. These findings suggest that avian skin is resistant to pressure-induced decubital ulceration and that pressure is unlikely to be either the cause of or a significant contributor to FUD.}, number={4}, journal={AVIAN DISEASES}, author={GONDER, E and BARNES, HJ}, year={1989}, pages={714–718} }