1997 journal article

The influence of conserved tyrosine 30 and tissue-dependent differences in sequence on ferritin function: use of blue and purple Fe(III) species as reporters of ferroxidation

Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2(5), 652–661.

By: J. Fetter n, J. Cohen*, D. Danger n, L. Sanders* & E. Theil n

TL;DR: The impact of Y30F on rates of formation of Fe(III)-protein complexes in ferritin, combined with Mössbauer spectroscopic studies, indicate that at least one of the pathways for Fe oxidation/transfer in Ferritin is through the center of the four-helix bundle and is influenced by structural features dependent on tyrosine 30. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

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