@misc{joerger_bishop_bishop_1988, title={BACTERIAL ALTERNATIVE NITROGEN-FIXATION SYSTEMS}, volume={16}, ISSN={["0045-6454"]}, DOI={10.3109/10408418809104465}, abstractNote={The introduction briefly reviews some of the salient features of the well-characterized conventional molybdo-enzyme system for N2 fixation. This is followed by a brief account of the discovery of an alternative N2 fixation system that does not require molybdenum in the N2-fixing bacterum Azotobacter vinelandii. The next section cites observations from the early literature on N2 fixation suggesting may not always require molybdenum. Next, recent evidence for an alternative N2 fixation system in A. vinelandii is discussed. A brief description of our discovery of an alternative nitrogenase which is not a molybdenum or vanadium enzyme is presented, followed by a summary of recent papers describing an alternative vanadium-containing nitrogenase. Available information on the genetics and regulation of alternative N2 fixation systems is discussed. Finally, the possible/probable presence of alternative N2 fixation systems in bacteria other than Azotobacter species is covered.}, number={1}, journal={CRC CRITICAL REVIEWS IN MICROBIOLOGY}, author={JOERGER, RD and BISHOP, PE and BISHOP, PE}, year={1988}, pages={1–14} }