@article{johnson_2010, title={Incorporating Self-Categorization Concepts Into Ethnic Media Research}, volume={20}, ISSN={["1468-2885"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1468-2885.2009.01356.x}, abstractNote={The growth of ethnic media is a bright trend in the U.S. media market, and media for various cultural groups are expanding in Europe and elsewhere. However, despite increased scholarly attention to ethnic media, ethnic media theoretical concept development has not kept pace. This article has three purposes. It differentiates ethnic media from other media forms and defines related concepts, organizes and models contemporary ethnic media literature, and diagrams an ethnic media model that incorporates concepts from self-categorization theory. The author focuses on four self-categorization concepts (accessibility, norms, prototypes, and fit) and sets forth propositions derived from the concepts for use in ethnic media research. Methods for refining and testing the concepts are also suggested. Incorporer des concepts d'auto-categorisation dans la recherche sur les medias ethniques La croissance des medias ethniques est une tendance forte dans le marche mediatique aux Etats-Unis. De meme, les medias s'adressant a differents groupes culturels progressent en Europe et ailleurs. Pourtant, bien que la litterature accorde une attention croissante aux medias ethniques, le developpement de concepts a leur sujet n'a pas suivi le meme rythme. Cet article a trois buts. Il distingue les medias ethniques d'autres formes mediatiques et definit des concepts qui y sont relies. Il organise et presente la litterature contemporaine en medias ethniques. Enfin, il schematise un modele des medias ethniques qui incorpore des concepts de la theorie de l'auto-categorisation. L'auteure se concentre sur quatre concepts d'auto-categorisation (accessibilite, normes, prototypes et justesse) et soumet des propositions tirees de ces concepts pour une utilisation dans la recherche sur les medias ethniques. Des methodes de raffinement et de mise a l'epreuve des concepts sont egalement suggerees. Mots cles : theorie de l'auto-categorisation, theorie de l'identite sociale, medias ethniques, medias des minorites, medias transnationaux Konzepte der Selbstkategorisierung und ethnische Medienforschung Der Zuwachs an ethnischen Medien ist ein wichtiger Trend im US-amerikanischen Medienmarkt. Medienangebote fur verschiedenste kulturelle Gruppen expandieren nach Europa und anderswohin. Trotz einer zunehmenden Fokussierung der Wissenschaft auf ethnische Medien, konnte die theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Thema mit dieser Entwicklung bislang nicht Schritt halten. Dieser Artikel hat drei Ziele. Er unterscheidet ethnische Medien von anderen Medienformen und definiert verwandte Konzepte. Er organisiert und systematisiert aktuelle Literatur zu ethnischen Medien und formuliert ein Modell zu ethnischen Medien, welches die Konzepte der Selbstkategorisierungstheorie integriert. Der Autor konzentriert sich dabei auf 4 Selbstkategorisierungskonzepte (Zuganglichkeit, Normen, Prototypen und Passung) und schlagt Propositionen dieser Konzepte vor, die auf die Forschung zu ethnischen Medien anwendbar sind. Methoden der Verfeinerung und Uberprufung dieser Konzepte werden ebenfalls diskutiert. Keywords: Selbstkategorisierungstheorie, Theorie der sozialen Identitat, ethnische Medien, Minderheiten-Medien, transnationale Medien Resumen Incorporando los Conceptos de Auto-Categorizacion en la Investigacion de los Medios Etnicos El crecimiento de los medios etnicos es una tendencia prometedora en el mercado de los medios en los EE.UU., y los medios para varios grupos culturales estan expandiendose en Europa y en otros lugares. No obstante, a pesar de un incremento en la atencion hacia los medios etnicos de los estudiosos, el desarrollo de conceptos teoricos sobre los medios etnicos no ha mantenido su ritmo. Este articulo tiene 3 propositos. Diferencia los medios etnicos de otras formas de los medios y define conceptos relacionados, organiza y modela la literatura contemporanea de los medios etnicos, y diagrama un modelo de medios etnicos que incorpora los conceptos de la teoria de auto-categorizacion. El autor se enfoca en 4 conceptos de auto-categorizacion (acceso, normas, prototipos, y adecuacion) y expone las proposiciones derivadas de los conceptos para su uso en la investigacion de los medios etnicos. Los metodos para refinar y poner a prueba los conceptos son sugeridos tambien. Palabras Claves: teoria de auto-categorizacion, teoria de identidad social, medios etnicos, medios de la minoria, medios transnacionales.}, number={1}, journal={COMMUNICATION THEORY}, author={Johnson, Melissa A.}, year={2010}, month={Feb}, pages={106–U118} } @article{johnson_davis_cronin_2009, title={Mexican Expatriates Vote? Framing and Agenda Setting in US News Coverage About Mexico}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1520-5436"]}, DOI={10.1080/15205430801935990}, abstractNote={This content analysis examined framing and second-level agenda setting in U.S. newspaper pre-election coverage of the 2006 Mexican presidential elections and the new Mexican expatriate voting law. The authors conducted a quantitative analysis of 161 articles and a qualitative analysis of 36 articles in U.S. newspapers from August 2005 through mid-April 2006. Findings indicated that Andrés Manuel López Obrador received more coverage (59.6%) than Roberto Madrazo (27.8%) or the eventual winner, Felipe Calderón (29.1%). Candidate attributes were highlighted more than Mexican domestic or Mexico–U.S. issues. The dominant procedural frame was the election horse race. The main substantive frames were the election as an extension of U.S.–Mexico economic relations and the election as an extension of Latin American leftist/populist movements. The expatriate voting law was characterized as unsuccessful and blamed on apathetic voters, the Mexican government's faulty implementation, and a corrupt system.}, number={1}, journal={MASS COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY}, author={Johnson, Melissa A. and Davis, John L. and Cronin, Sean}, year={2009}, pages={4–25} } @inbook{requena_johnson_2008, title={Transparencia: the importance of neutrality. Providing objective information in a difficult political situation}, booktitle={The evolution of public relations: case studies from countries in transition (3rd ed.)}, publisher={Gainesville, FL: Institute for Public Relations}, author={Requena, J. C. and Johnson, M. A.}, editor={J. VanSlyke Turk and Scanlan, L.Editors}, year={2008} } @inbook{johnson_david_huey_2004, title={Looks like me? Body image in magazines targeted to U. S. Latinas}, ISBN={0757509185}, booktitle={Ethnic media in America: images, audiences, and transforming forces}, publisher={Kendall Hunt}, author={Johnson, M. A. and David, P. and Huey, D.}, editor={A. Tait and Meiss, G.Editors}, year={2004} } @inbook{johnson_david_huey_2003, title={Beauty in brown: skin color in Latina magazines}, ISBN={0313316503}, booktitle={Brown and black communication: Latino and African American conflict and convergence in mass media}, publisher={Westport, CT: Praeger}, author={Johnson, M. A. and David, P. and Huey, D.}, editor={D. I. Rios and Mohamed, A. N.Editors}, year={2003}, pages={159–174} } @inbook{johnson_2003, title={Constructing a new model of ethnic media: Image-saturated Latina magazines as touchstones}, ISBN={063122601X}, booktitle={A companion to media studies}, publisher={Malden, MA: Blackwell}, author={Johnson, M. A.}, year={2003}, pages={272–292} } @article{johnson_2000, title={How ethnic are U.S. ethnic media?: the case of Latina magazines}, volume={3}, number={2/3}, journal={Mass Communication and Society}, author={Johnson, M. A.}, year={2000}, pages={229–248} } @article{johnson_1996, title={Latinas and television: relationships among genre identification, acculturation, and acculturation stress}, volume={7}, number={4}, journal={Howard Journal of Communications}, author={Johnson, M. A.}, year={1996}, pages={289–313} } @article{johnson_pasour_1981, title={AN OPPORTUNITY COST VIEW OF FIXED ASSET THEORY AND THE OVERPRODUCTION TRAP}, volume={63}, ISSN={["0002-9092"]}, DOI={10.2307/1239806}, abstractNote={AbstractIn fixed asset and exit barrier theories, durable asset valuation is based upon acquisition prices, yielding downwardly biased rate‐of‐return estimates and erroneous implications that excess resources become trapped in production when product price expectations fall. Conventional asset valuation based on opportunity cost shows that excess resource applications are incompatible with rational producer behavior. Market failure conclusions of overproduction trap models are shown to be unfounded. A review of recently published agricultural economics texts illustrates how use of fixed asset theory in the college classroom obscures the concept of choice‐influencing cost and the rule of resource allocative efficiency.}, number={1}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS}, author={JOHNSON, MA and PASOUR, EC}, year={1981}, pages={1–7} }