@article{johnson_stinner_rabb_1975, title={OVIPOSITIONAL RESPONSE OF HELIOTHIS-ZEA (BODDIE) LEPIDOPTERA-NOCTUIDAE TO ITS MAJOR HOSTS IN NORTH-CAROLINA}, volume={4}, ISSN={["0046-225X"]}, DOI={10.1093/ee/4.2.291}, abstractNote={The ovipositional response of Heliothis zea (Boddie) to various phenological states of corn, tobacco, cotton, and soybeans is examined and quantified. An ovipositional preference matrix is constructed and a model for the mechanism of adult movement of female H. zea among various hosts and phenological stages is developed and validated with field data.}, number={2}, journal={ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY}, author={JOHNSON, MW and STINNER, RE and RABB, RL}, year={1975}, pages={291–297} }