@article{kerby_bayless_harrell_1985, title={GROWTH, SURVIVAL, AND HARVEST OF STRIPED BASS PRODUCED WITH CRYOPRESERVED SPERMATOZOA}, volume={114}, ISSN={["0002-8487"]}, DOI={10.1577/1548-8659(1985)114<761:GSAHOS>2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={Abstract Spermatozoa from striped bass Morone saxatilis were cryopreserved, stored in liquid nitrogen (-196°C), and later used to fertilize fresh eggs. Progeny from eggs fertilized with cryopreserved sperm and those from eggs fertilized with fresh sperm were stocked separately in triplicate 0.4-hectare and triplicate 0.2-hectare culture ponds at estimated densities of 500,000 larvae per hectare. Juveniles were harvested after 1.5 months. Within each pond size, the number and total weight of juveniles harvested did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) between treatments (frozen versus fresh sperm). Nearly all fish were healthy; few abnormalities were seen. Results of this study indicated that striped bass produced with cryopreservation techniques were normal and they appeared as viable as fish produced using fresh sperm. We believe that these techniques have considerable potential for fish husbandry, particularly for experimental programs.}, number={5}, journal={TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY}, author={KERBY, JH and BAYLESS, JD and HARRELL, RM}, year={1985}, pages={761–765} } @article{kerby_1983, title={CRYOGENIC PRESERVATION OF SPERM FROM STRIPED BASS}, volume={112}, ISSN={["0002-8487"]}, DOI={10.1577/1548-8659(1983)112<86:CPOSFS>2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={Abstract Spermatozoa of striped bass Morone saxatilis were successfully cryopreserved, retaining fertilizing capacity for up to 2 years. Spermatozoa in 14 extenders, in combination with three concentrations of four cryoprotectants at various sperm : medium ratios, were frozen at different rates and tested. Best results were obtained with extender “OH-189” (7.30 g NaCl, 0.38 g KCl, 0.23 g CaCl2˙2H2O, 5.00 g NaHCO3, 0.41 g NaH2PO4˙H2O, 0.23 g MgSO4˙7H2O, 5.00 g fructose, 7.50 g lecithin, and 5.00 g mannitol in 968.95 g distilled H2O) combined with 5.0% dimethylsulfoxide and mixed in a 1:4 sperm : medium volume ratio. The highest fertilization percentage obtained with cryopreserved semen was 87.7. No fertilization was obtained when glycerol, ethylene glycol, or propylene glycol were the cryoprotectants. Mean freezing rates faster than 5 C/minute were more effective than slower rates.}, number={1}, journal={TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY}, author={KERBY, JH}, year={1983}, pages={86–94} }