@article{killian_meyer_1984, title={EFFECT OF ORCHARD WEED MANAGEMENT ON CATFACING DAMAGE TO PEACHES IN NORTH-CAROLINA}, volume={77}, ISSN={["1938-291X"]}, DOI={10.1093/jee/77.6.1596}, abstractNote={Regression analysis on data from a 1981 survey of commercial peach orchards in North Carolina demonstrated a significant correlation between catfacing damage and chemical insect control, weed management, density of winter annuals, orchard size, and geographic location. Cultivar, surrounding edge vegetation, and edge direction showed no correlation with damage. In 1983, two commercial orchards were used to evaluate the impact of weed management on the incidence of catfacing in peaches. A χ2 analysis of data showed amount of fruit damaged by catfacing in herbicide-treated blocks to be significantly less than that of fruit sampled from control blocks.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY}, author={KILLIAN, JC and MEYER, JR}, year={1984}, pages={1596–1600} }