@article{kirkman_ballington_1990, title={CREEPING BLUEBERRIES (ERICACEAE, VACCINIUM SECT HERPOTHAMNUS) - A NEW LOOK AT V CRASSIFOLIUM INCLUDING V SEMPERVIRENS}, volume={15}, ISSN={["0363-6445"]}, DOI={10.2307/2419164}, abstractNote={Vaccinium sect. Herpothamnus is revised based on an investigation of the morphology, anatomy, reproductive biology, artificial hybridization, ecology, and phytosociology. It is treated as monotypic, consisting of V. crassifolium with two polymorphic subspecies, subsp. crassifolium and subsp. sempervirens comb. nov. (V. sempervirens). Comparison with other vacciniums indicates possible ancestral relationships with South American species from the Guayana Highland.}, number={4}, journal={SYSTEMATIC BOTANY}, author={KIRKMAN, WB and BALLINGTON, JR}, year={1990}, pages={679–699} }