@article{lawton_whitsett_1979, title={Inhibition of sexual maturation by a urinary pheromone in male prairie deer mice}, volume={13}, DOI={10.1016/0018-506X(79)90052-7}, abstractNote={Male prairie deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii) were treated from weaning until 8 weeks of age with chemical stimuli from conspecifics or with control substances. Growth of the testes and seminal vesicles was retarded in males that were reared in contact with soiled bedding material transferred from cages of adult males. No additional inhibition resulted from the physical presence of an adult male either continuously or for 1 hr per day. Application of urine collected from adult males to the noses of young males retarded seminal vesicle growth. Removal of the olfactory bulbs of males at 3 weeks of age blocked the inhibitory influence of urine on sexual maturation. Exposure to urine from adult females did not alter the growth of the reproductive organs in young males. The ability of a male deer mouse to retard the sexual maturation of young male conspecifics (Bediz, G. M., and Whitsett, J. M., 1979, J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 93, 493–500) appears to be a consequence of chemical stimuli excreted in its urine.}, number={2}, journal={Hormones and Behavior}, author={Lawton, A. D. and Whitsett, J. M.}, year={1979}, pages={128} }