@article{lea_wells_1980, title={DETERMINATION OF EXTRACTABLE SULFATE AND TOTAL SULFUR FROM PLANT AND SOIL MATERIAL BY AN AUTOANALYZER}, volume={11}, ISSN={["1532-2416"]}, DOI={10.1080/00103628009367057}, abstractNote={Abstract The method has been modified from Sinclair3,4 and tested for extractable sulfate and total sulfur on plant, soil, and water samples. Inorganic sulfur is extracted from plant and soil material by using dilute acidic extractants, and total sulfur is estimated from dry ashed or wet ashed material whereby various sulfur forms are oxidized to sulfate‐sulfur. The sulfate is precipitated in sample solutions as barium sulfate and determined turbidimetrically by AutoAnalyzer. The method is rapid, precise, and sensitive enough to be used on a routine basis.}, number={5}, journal={COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS}, author={LEA, R and WELLS, CG}, year={1980}, pages={507–516} }