Works (6)
2009 chapter
Reproduction responses of Southern hardwood forests to full and partial overstory removals
In Forest regeneration: Ecology, management and economics. Nova Science Publishers.
2000 journal article
Testing the accuracy of growth and yield models for Southern hardwood forests
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 24, 176–185.
1997 journal article
The bottomland hardwood forest of the southern United States

1997 report
Two-year growth, foliar nutrient and leaf area responses of sweetgum plantations to macro- and Micronutrients (individual study summaries, RW-46)
In Technical bulletin P97-1 (Vol. P97-1). Raleigh, NC: NCSU Hardwood Research Cooperative.
1996 journal article
Vegetative and edaphic characteristics on relic charcoal hearths in the Appalachian mountains
VEGETATIO, 125(1), 43–50.

1993 journal article
Effects of paper mill sludge and weed control on competing vegetation and growth of young red pine
New Forests, 7(4), 345.